The Human Brain Compartment

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Modern humans are spiritual-psycho-physical beings whose every functional compartment is connected to all other compartments. Thus, both positive and negative thoughts not only affect our emotional and spiritual state, but also our physical condition and health. The health status of our body, rest, quality and amount of sleep, nutritional status and exercise do not affect just our emotional state and mind, but also our ability to meditate and the quality of our meditation. The brain is the organ that controls our psycho - physical entity. The brain is thus by far our most important physical organ.
In order to understand the effects of thoughts, emotions, and the mind in general on our bodily functions and health, we need to take a brief look …show more content…

The human brain can be divided into three compartments whose developmental history is different. The most primitive part of our brain is the one which is typical of reptiles; it controls basic life supporting and reproduction functions. This brain compartment is located in the core of our brain system. A more developed part of our brain, typical in primitive mammals and responsible for the intellectual, social and familial functions of mammals, is located in the inner brain cortex. Our third and most recently developed brain compartment is the so-called new mammalian brain, which contains the wide cortex of the brain. This part is responsible for logical thinking, planning, evaluation, and abstract intellectual functions typical of humans and …show more content…

The prefrontal lobe is responsible for the planning of future functions, estimation, decision-making, and control of bodily movements. Moreover, it controls bodily feeling, spatial orientation and body image. The occipital lobe is responsible for the processing of visual perceptions and the temporal lobe for audio perceptions. Furthermore, the deep structures of the temporal lobe, hippocampus and amygdala, process memory, learning, emotions and feelings.
The frontal lobe, together with the limbic brain compartment located in a deep brain compartment, establish the fluent mixing of emotional and intellectual brain functions. Practically speaking, this explains how negative thoughts affect negative feelings and vice versa. This may lead to a vicious emotional circle, being very detrimental to our spiritual opening, well-being and health. These aspects will be discussed later on in more detail. The thalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, and the pituitary gland are the brain structures that control and process emotional

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