The Internet: The Positive Effects On The Internet

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It is now easier than ever to access the internet. No matter where you are it is most likely you are able to access the net one way or the other. The majority of the young population are spending more and more time online which has more negative than positive consequences. People become addicted and it has a very unfavourable effect on their everyday life. Everyday, young adults get involved in unsafe activities that could endanger them. Children are being aloud access to Illegal or inappropriate materials that can be found in the internet. Teenagers are downloading things illegally and copyrighting material for free. Some criminals use the internet for spreading computer viruses or even intercepting credit card or bank details for dreadful purposes. According to a study conducted by the University of Florida, the students that use the internet more than three hours a day are more likely to fall prey to sexual exploitation. The internet and social networks influences and makes teenagers and young adults to involve themselves on risky behavior because of the online predators that hunt the internet, bullying and harassment are more likely to happen online when it’s not face to face and recent medical studies show that addiction of internet is causing personal, professional as well as social problems. Modern technologies such as cellphones, computers, tablets and the internet have become a crucial part of young people’s lives. The negative attributes of the internet impact

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