
The Pros And Cons Of Food Addiction

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What is addiction? There are many aspects of addiction and can be defined in diverse ways. Overall, addiction is considered a condition resulting from the use of substances such as cocaine, alcohol, heroine, and nicotine. Addiction is not limited to use of substances, it can include addictive behaviors such as shopping, eating, internet use, and gambling. The addictive behaviors can create the euphoric or feelings of pleasure like that of substances (Psychology Today, 2002-2013). The burden of food addiction is like any other addiction. When individuals think of food addiction, chocolate often comes to mind. For many, the consumption of chocolate and other foods can create a pleasurable feeling similar to smoking a cigarette or watching …show more content…

There are several health conditions that can result from excess calories consumption and poor nutritional habits. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and premature death can all result from food addiction practices (Meseri, Bilge, Kucukerdonmez, & Altintoprak, 2016). Studies have shown that food addiction can contribute to poor overall performance. A study was conducted where this was proven. The individuals with food addiction were found to have slower reaction times. In additional to reduction in reaction time, the food addicts overall made more mistakes than the non-addict group (Franken, Nijs, Toes, & Van der Veen, 2016).
Treatment options food addiction is the same for other addictions. Some individuals require a more controlled environment with inpatient programs. Others utilize the outpatient setting with behavior modification and group therapy (Khantzian, 2006). There are some well-known programs such as Weight Watchers that offer both a support group and behavior modification through the points system. There are weekly meetings that incorporate accountability through weekly weigh …show more content…

It is like any other addiction. The adverse effects of this addiction may not be as severe as substance addiction, but it deserves be recognized as a true addiction. There is the stages of addiction, physical dependency, and harm that results from addiction. There are risk factors that can put a person at higher risk for developing a food addiction or any other addiction. This form of addiction requires treatment by inpatient or outpatient therapy. There are programs that can assist with the transition to a healthier decisions and group support through the

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