
The Pros And Cons Of Organ Donation

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A growing concern in the United States is that the system for organ allocation is biased and unfair, when in fact, the criteria under scrutiny is working hard to secure the organs going to those most in need. These misconceptions surrounding the transplant distribution process are a result of the lack of proper education regarding the policies and guidelines that ensure organs are dispersed in a just, ethical, and medically sound manner.
There are several organs suitable for donation, including the liver, pancreas, kidney, heart, lung, and intestines. Skin, bone and bone marrow, and corneas can be donated as well (“Transplant Living Frequently Asked Questions”). Everyday, an average of seventy-nine people receive an organ transplant (“The Need is Real: Data”). Unfortunately, on average, another twenty-one people die every day while waiting for a transplant. In fact, every ten minutes someone new is added to the national transplant waiting list. As of February …show more content…

UNOS manages the national transplant waiting list by matching donors to recipients everyday. They also maintain the database that contains organ transplant data for all transplants that occurs in the US, as well as monitor every organ match to ensure that the organ allocation policies are followed (“UNOS About Us”).
Organ donation can occur through several circumstances. The situation of a person’s death determines which of their tissues and organs can be used for donation. Most organ donors suffer fatal head injuries similar to those seen in car accidents, strokes, and brain aneurysms, as they do not affect any donatable organs. The declaration of death depends upon whether the patient died of cardiac death or brain death. This then decides how the donation will proceed (“How the Donor Process

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