The Ruby Circle In Richelle Mead's Bloodlines

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The Ruby Circle is the final installment in Richelle Mead’s bestselling series, Bloodlines. This book was released Tuesday February tenth and has already worked it’s way to the top sellers.This series has six books concluding with this one. In addition there is a prequel/sister series just as amazing, which introduces the main character of Bloodlines, Sydney Sage. Some may say twelve books in the same fictional world may be milking the money cow. However I believe both series were worth every word that made it the marvelous, engaging, and can’t-eat-or-sleep-until-I-finish-it type book. The first part of the setting is the world. Richelle Mead has created an urban fantasy world centered around vampires. Yes that’s right, vampires. Please don’t …show more content…

Lissa Dragomir was recently elected Moroi queen. However, unlike the other twelve royal families who had hundreds of members, she was the only Dragomir since her parents had died in a crash. Therefore, she couldn’t run for the position of queen without a quorum. A quorum was another family member to vouch for you. Luckily for Lissa, Rose found Eric Dragomir’s illegitimate daughter, Jill Mastrano. The Bloodlines series is about Jill being taken to a private academy in Palm Springs. She is taken here because some Moroi are not happy about the election and could end Lissa’s rule by killing her quorum. Jill is taken here undercover along with a few choice Dhampir guardians and Adrian, aMoroi brother figure to Jill . Sydney Sage is the alchemist assigned to go with them and make sure they stay safe and discreet in a human environment. This series follows Sydney and the different problems she encounters during her …show more content…

The narrator is Sydney Sage. Her job as an alchemist is to make sure the Moroi make it to their weekly feeding and blend in at the boarding school. Of course no one can know that they are vampire and no vampires can know they are here. Sydney is an intelligent character and she grows through the series.She’s definitely no Bella from Twilight. As she spends more time with Eddie, Jill, and Adrian she discovers that maybe the alchemist views on them aren’t true.“Why does it have to be so cut-and-dried. In your view, I either have to hate them or be in league with them. There’s a middle ground, you know. I can still be loyal to the Alchemists and on friendly terms with vampires and dhampirs(Mead,Bloodlines).” Eventually she ends up falling in love with Adrian. She is betrayed by her sister when her sister turns her into the alchemists for her loving a Moroi. Once the alchemist discover this they capture her and send her to re-education. Re-education is a inhumane and brutal path of “recovery”. The alchemist try to fix her ,but are unsuccessful due to Adrian and Eddie’s rescue mission at the end of Silver Shadows. Adrian escapes with her and starts to make his way to the Royal Court. To ensure that none of the Moroi will turn Sydney over, he marries Sydney.“Lissa looked taken aback, but Jared Sage—my father-in-law now, I realized―showed nothing but contempt. 'This is ridiculous. Humans

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