Trends Of Poverty In Ghana

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2.1.7 Trends of Poverty in Ghana
At the individual and community level, methods for dealing with conditions of poverty varied across communities. They included seeking alternative employment, working harder, mortgaging property, selling assets, and reduction of meal, child labour, borrowing, begging, prostitution, and robbery (GPRSP, 2003-2005). Those in poverty and extreme poverty represent an under-class in society, which remains under-privileged, unrepresented and a prey to exploitation. Upper East, Upper West and Central regions showed the highest incidence of consumption poverty because of limited socio-economic facilities as Greater Accra showed the lowest incidence of poverty, although it had its share of pockets of extreme poverty. …show more content…

Also noteworthy is that the youthful age structure of the population, their concentration in rural areas, their preponderance among poorer households all has implications for public spending on education and health, manpower training and development, and population planning measures (Fowler, 2000).
2.2 Definitions and Concepts of Education
In English the term “Education” has been derived from two Latin words Educare (Educere) and Educatum. “Educare” means to train or mould. It also means to bring up or to lead out or to draw out, propulsion from inward to outward. The term “Educatum” denotes the act of teaching. It throws light on the principles and practice of teaching. The term Educare or Educere mainly indicates development of the latent capabilities of the child. But children do not know these possibilities. It is the educator or the trainer who can know these and take appropriate actions to develop those powers.
Formal education corresponds to a systematic, organized education model, structured …show more content…

Formal education prepares one for the world around them, by enriching them with knowledge, skills and experiences that will help them in later life. It develops people 's personalities, life skills, world awareness, and problem solving skills. Most importantly, formal education prepare one to succeed in life, providing and developing key skills and knowledge in a variety of areas (and more specific areas in tertiary education), which will enable them to take up

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