
US Racial Profiling

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Racial profiling The policy making iron triangle can affect many people, especially people who deal with racial profiling in the U.S. Racial profiling is a serious issue in the U.S. that affect many people of many different races. A story about a half-Jewish and half-Arab women will give an example of how racial profiling affected her and what action she took to stand up for her rights. The iron triangle can help people who have been affected by racial profiling make a difference on the legislative level. The iron triangle, people of the U.S., and racial profiling are all linked together. Racial profiling is a big deal in the U.S. that affects many individuals. Racial profiling is when a law enforcement or a person with authority arrests …show more content…

In Detroit on September 11, 2011 a woman named, Shoshana Hebshi, who is half-Jewish and half-Arab was arrested because she sat beside two Indian-American men. The passengers on the plane complained to the flight attendant that the men had made a couple of trips to the bathroom and thought it was suspicious (Warikoo, 2013). After she was arrested she was taken to a cell and was demanded to strip down while an officer looked her over (Warikoo, 2013). Shoshana Hebshi sued the FBI and other federal agencies because she was a part of racial profiling (Warikoo, 2013). They had no hard evidence that she was doing anything wrong. It was all because of her race she got arrested. A lawyer from the American civil liberties union helped her in this case (Warikoo, 2013). There is some organizations or groups that can help with racial profiling. There is some ways the iron triangle can help with racial profiling. An iron triangle is a relationship between bureaucracy, legislature, and interest groups (Ginsberg, Lowi, Weir, Tolbert & Spitzer, 2013). One way the iron triangle can help racial profiling is by the interest groups lobbying Congress. A group that helps with racial profiling cases is the American Civil Liberties Union. They have taken many of cases to the Supreme Court when someone feels their civil liberties have been violated (Racial profiling, n.d.). For example, Shoshana Hebshi suing the

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