Unhealthy Habits Research Paper

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Page Title: Unhealthy Habits That Are Bad for the Skin | Health Inquire Meta Description: Have you tried applying all the beauty products but still could not achieve that perfect skin? Learn the effects of having unhealthy habits in this blog. How Unhealthy Habits Can Damage Your Skin Let us all face it; everyone wants to appear neat, clean, and attractive when they go out and meet other people. Of course, one’s first impression will always be how you look, how you dress up, and mostly just about how you handle yourself. Your face is the key in which you can market yourself as an individual. Keeping your face young and healthy is probably one of your priorities right now but are you actually doing the right thing? It is best to know that there are many other factors damaging your delicate skin. Below is a list of unhealthy habits that can greatly damage your skin. (https://www.pexels.com/photo/adult-attractive-beautiful-beauty-457701/) 1. Smoking. …show more content…

Many people do not want to rely on sunscreen as they do not really care if they get exposed under the heat of the sun. One way to reduce the risk of having skin cancer is to practice the habit of applying sunscreen before going out of the house. Use a sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 above. 5. Using the wrong skin care products. There are many skin care products out there in the market but only few people know the type of skin care product they need. Some people would just buy a particular product just for the sake of having one that is also used by other people. You should know the type of skin care product you need to avoid getting outbreaks or acne. For example, if you have an oily skin, you might want to use products that are water-based. If you ever have side effects like itching or flaking skin after using the skin care product, then it might be a sign that it is not for you. 6. Not removing

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