Violence Against Children Essay

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Violence can be committed by individuals or by the State as well as groups and organisations through their members and their policies. It results not only in fear of/ or actual injury but also in fundamental interference with personal freedom , and about six in 10 children, or one billion worldwide, face corporal punishment as a form of discipline by their caregivers, including parents. The report found that "the most severe forms of corporal punishment -- hitting a child on the head, ears or face or hitting a child hard and repeatedly -- are less common overall."
In India Violence against children is a deep-rooted social problem. The problem is also related to economic as well as cultural beliefs and practices. the prevalence and nature …show more content…

It includes violence by the armed forces, law enforcement officers and security forces of all kinds but also violence committed by any other State agent. State violence against children include the use of the death penalty and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment including Torture, forced displacement, unlawful imprisonment, extra-judicial killings and executions, enforced disappearances, all forms of violence against children living under the care of the State including children living in institutions and children in detention and penal facilities among other examples. Other forms of collective violence would include violence resulting from internal and international armed conflicts, terrorism, organised crime, but also collective forms of violence targeting specific groups of people such as child infanticide, honour killings, gang violence etc .

In India, one in three (34 per cent) of adolescent girls (aged 15-19) married or in union have experienced physical, sexual or emotional violence by their husband or partner. Among these, more than one in 10 (13 per cent) have experienced sexual violence by their partner , (4).
2- Physical abuse : (3) is when a child has been physically harmed due to some interaction or lack of interaction by another person, which could have been prevented by any person in a position of responsibility, trust or

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