Band Essays

  • Essay On A Band Concert

    1388 Words  | 6 Pages

    WOW, who knew that band concerts could be so nerve racking. Once you get through one you want to do it again to get things right and to do the things you already do right. I believe that this band concert was very successful. I was not playing do to an injury that is now getting better. I will be reflecting on my last rehearsal I think I did very well at my last rehearsal was very successful. I believe I was successful in articulation. To succeed in articulation you half to pay attention to the

  • Military Band Narrative

    986 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Northeast Missouri All-District Band was one of the most memorable events from my freshmen year. With the number of kids who make either the first band (All-District) or second band (Honorable Mention), several people were unfortunate on making either band. Many people from Troy made both of the bands and I was very lucky to be the only freshmen in the All-District band. The day started out with my usual stressed self; whenever auditions are held, I turn into a super-stressed person

  • Friendships In A Band

    382 Words  | 2 Pages

    I have been in band for 8 years.  Words cannot describe how much I have enjoyed the past 8 years. When I chose to join band in 5th grade, I did not know how many friendships I would make from one simple choice. As I got better at playing the flute, the friendships grew stronger. In high school, I was in marching band, so that means more time spent involving band. During marching season, our Saturdays were consumed with band competitions. Because of the competitions, our practice times were every

  • Personal Essay: Band Analysis

    909 Words  | 4 Pages

    How does it feel like to be a in a band, be a popular name? Hamza answers: ‘Pretty good actually, when you’re up there on stage playing, you get an adrenaline rush, you get excited, you know billions of people are watching but you’re in your own world. It feels good at the end of the day when people appreciate’. What do you do in the band, your role, besides being the guitarist? Hamza replies, ‘I do whatever is needed! I do composing which basically defines the theme, the genre of the music, the

  • Leadership In Marching Band

    474 Words  | 2 Pages

    marching band, it takes a lot of dedication. If someone is going to be in marching band, they will have to put in the time and the effort. Marching bands everywhere practice for hours in the heat; always memorizing their spots on the field, their music, and their visual effects. Everything about band is stressful because it constantly cuts in on a band members social life, but after they perform they will feel great. In most marching bands, the motto is one band one sound, meaning that a band member

  • Modern Rock Band Van Halen

    1343 Words  | 6 Pages

    modern video games? How about the peak of heavy metal bands? One can’t talk about 80s metal bands without mentioning Van Halen. The band’s amazing instrumentals, predominantly it's blindingly swift yet controlled guitar playing, helped reinvent heavy rock, and they still stand as examples for many modern rock musicians and bands. Van Halen’s introduction to the music industry wasn’t something out of the ordinary, like many other legendary bands they had numerous hits, yet, they also had many internal

  • Evolution Of Marching Band

    502 Words  | 3 Pages

    Taking the field the Evolution “East Peoria Marching Raiders, you may take the field in competition.” During the four years of high school, I was able to get involved with the East Peoria High School Band program. The marching band has evolved since I joined in 2011 and it has been improving each year. My freshman year we used to march trombones, I was probably the worst one on the field when it came to the marching aspect. There was a lot of foundation work being planted as I learned the terms,

  • Three Days Grace: Band Analysis

    726 Words  | 3 Pages

    There are many bands that have changed their lead singers—such as Asking Alexandria, Killswitch Engage, Black Sabbath, and more. Most of the time changes are due to disputes, medical issues, or even death. Three Days Grace lost their lead singer, Adam Gontier, in 2013. The band had been together almost twenty years when the split occurred. Usually when bands have been together for a long time, people think disputes are not the reason for the split up. Three Days Grace seems to be an exception to

  • Why I Hate Marching Band

    887 Words  | 4 Pages

    Why I Hate Band What is the real definition of insanity? Merriam Webster’s definition is “severe mental illness : the condition of being insane.” Albert Einstein’s definition is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. And my definition is “running the same set over and over again expecting the freshmen to hit their set.” Unfortunately, this is a daily occurrence for members of a marching band, who spend countless hours walking from one side of a field to another

  • Marching Band

    957 Words  | 4 Pages

    season. Band kids across northern Indiana are hard at work perfecting their show for competition that has yet to come in the afternoon. The past three months have been used to learn and fine tune their show to it 's best. Long hours of hard work, sweat, tears, dedication, time, love, and much more is put into a band program and what comes out of it is a strong group of individuals who have the ability to do great things in life. Lessons that you learn during the course of your marching band career

  • Write An Essay On Band Vs Motocross

    478 Words  | 2 Pages

    Band is much like motocross in the sense that they take pride in their hard work, they are determined to get better, and they have a lot of passion for what they do. To begin with, Band people and motocross people share the same ideas and that is to get better at what they do. For example, “MOTOCROSS IS UNQUESTIONABLY dangerous. Like every form of motorsport, it involves a vehicle---in this case a small- to medium-displacement dirt bike, almost always under 500 cc. And it requires that you go out

  • Marching Band Controversy

    439 Words  | 2 Pages

    The time had come. The award ceremony of the last competition of the marching band season, the National Championships for class IV A was beginning shortly. Being at the J. Birney Crum Stadium with the rest of band, as well as other marching bands from around the Northeast, was surreal. The energy was crackling through the air as we waited with anticipation for the ceremony to commence. Minutes before, all of us were watching a lively performance by Sacred Heart University. They performed many

  • Graduation Speech: Band-Ten-Hunt

    286 Words  | 2 Pages

    "Band-Ten-Hunt" "Hun!" The piercing July sun beats down upon our SPF-coated skin and reflects back into our eyes off of the enormous silver sousaphone two rows ahead. We squint and breathe slowly as sweat drips down our faces, but we focus relentlessly and ignore the uncomfortable sensation. We are in attention. Our feet together, knees not locked, stomach in, chest out. Our eyes with pride. We are a small army fighting against culture. While society is racing, posting, and engrossing. We are in

  • Highlander Marching Band Analysis

    641 Words  | 3 Pages

    said that they come to the games, whether they be home or away, to see and hear the Highlander Marching Band perform both pep tunes and their halftime performance. While many of these people that I talked to were friends and relatives of the band members, there were a few who really had no affiliation with the band whatsoever. I took the time to speak with these people who were there for the band, and relatives answered with things like "My son plays trumpet and has a solo during halftime!" or "My

  • Persuasive Essay On Marching Band

    410 Words  | 2 Pages

    Welcome to marching band! I hope you are ready for the upcoming competition season and Friday night Football games; especially the half time show. It's normal to feel nervous before the show, but once you’re out there and the crowd is cheering your butterflies will go away. Before every game I think that I'm at practice with my friends in my head to help with the butterflies. I was nervous my very first time on the field, but after a while I got used to it and it was really fun to perform.

  • Personal Essay: Marching Band

    1439 Words  | 6 Pages

    Marching Band has always opened so many opportunities up for me and more importantly, Color Guard has created a community for me to thrive and be a part of something more. I have been so grateful for this experience and want to pass on the same emotions I felt to others. Everyone deserves that same happiness I feel when participating in the Marching Band. Color Guard has been my passion since 6th grade and I’ve always admired the older girls who would come to our practice and help us with choreography

  • Marching Band Concert Report

    575 Words  | 3 Pages

    On November 4th, 2013, I competed with Newman Smith Marching Band in the 2013 UIL 4A State Marching Band Contest in San Antonio, Texas. It was a pleasant day with clear weather and temperatures in the high sixties. One would think that with such nice weather, our band would perform well at the competition, right? Well that didn’t seem to be the case. The night before the contest, some band members, mostly upperclassmen, were acting childish at the hotel we stayed at. They were running down the hallways

  • Marching Band Tactics

    542 Words  | 3 Pages

    Marching Band is a complex activity that many people are incapable of handling. It requires mental and physical output like no other sport. To be able to play an instrument while keeping correct marching techniques is a difficult task. Over time it becomes easier because the outdoor practices a person must endure are two and a half hours long. The marchers must practice for halftime shows, parades, and competitions to earn a record. Marching Band requires skill and endurance to achieve the right

  • Compare And Contrast Marching Band Vs Military Band

    730 Words  | 3 Pages

    marching bands grow larger, they typically trade in their military marching style for the less technical core style of marching. As a result, schools are throwing away the military tradition that has been continued throughout time and they lose the formality and precision only a military style band can achieve. Three major differences between a military marching band and a core marching band include the music they play, how they march, and the impact they have on their community. The music a band plays

  • Marching Band Benefits

    876 Words  | 4 Pages

    2015 The Benefits of Participating in High School Band High school band is often looked upon as an activity where a bunch of nerds get in big, bulky, sweaty uniforms and walk around the football field during halftime all the while playing music that they have memorized. Although this is 99.9% true, marching band is much more than that and if you think about what was just stated, that takes a lot of time, effort, and dedication. Marching band provides students with life lessons and skills that