Friction Essays

  • Static Friction Experiment

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    types of friction: static friction and kinetic friction. Kinetic friction is the movement of an object as it slides on a surface due to applied force upon the resting object. Static friction is the friction between a motionless object and the surface on where the object is resting on. A force must be applied to make the object move; which will be done in my experiment. This experiment is to observe what angle presented will allow the mass to slide down the ramp. This investigates how friction and mass

  • Friction Research Paper

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    Friction is a force that fights against any motion between two surfaces that are in contact with each other, and is a delaying force that resists motion in the opposite direction to the motion of that object. There are four categories of friction which are; Rolling, Sliding, Fluid, and Static Friction. Rolling Friction occurs when an object rolls over a surface, such as a soccer ball getting kicked across a grassy field, and eventually will slow down more quickly than a ball kicked across a smooth

  • Roller Coaster Friction Research Paper

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    3.1 FRICTION BY ROLLER COASTER Friction is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements sliding against each other. Whenever an object moves against another object, it feels frictional forces. These forces act in the opposite direction to the movement. Friction makes it harder for things to move. Friction plays a major role in actual roller coaster physics, where mechanical energy which is the sum of potential and kinetic energy is not conserve. There

  • Friction Is A Force In A Game Of Tug-O-War

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    Friction is a force that helps to determine the winner in a game of tug-o-war. I know this because friction is the only force that can cause the teams and rope to move to either side. Without any friction there would be no movement to each side happening in the system, thus no one would win. If one team has more frictional force then they will win; this is a system and anything that happens to one side happens to the other. When team 1 pulls and team 2 doesn’t, team 1 will win because there is no

  • Scientists Take A New Look At The Mysteries Of Friction By Scientific American

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    Friction is quite the perplexing element. In fact, it is one that scientists still do not fully apprehend. That is why friction experiments are being conducted so often. The information for this essay was found in the article: “Scientists Take a New Look at the Mysteries of Friction,” written by Scientific American. This essay will be discussing exactly what scientists are doing to delve deeper into the mysteries of friction. Most important, the definition of friction is force working against the

  • Explain How The Orientation Of A Particular Object Affects The Coefficient Of Friction

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    particular object affects the coefficient of friction and how to calculate the coefficient of friction and calculate it. The question we are trying to answer is: If I change the orientation of the object on different surfaces what will happen to its coefficient? Hypothesis When the orientation of the object is changed from standing up to laying down the coefficient of friction will changed. When the surfaces is changed the coefficient of friction will change. Variables: Independent Variables:

  • Centrifugal Force Essay

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    Centripetal Force and Centrifugal Force The component of force that acts on a body in curvilinear motion which coordinates towards the focal point of curvature or axis of rotation can be defined as Centripetal force. Whereas, centrifugal force is defined as the apparent force, equivalent and inverse to the centripetal force, draws a turning body away from the focal point of rotation, which is caused by the inertia of the body. CONCEPTS These forces have different concepts where one of the forces

  • Scientific Method Lesson

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    Redesign: Scientific Method Lesson My lesson on friction force using scientific method will use a lab experiment to teach the concepts that were discussed in the 5E model lesson. At the front table I will have placed a variety of different types of shoes, from athletic shoes, to casual, to dress shoes and I will have the students come up and look at each of the shoes and the soles in order to make some observations. I will then ask them about what friction is and establish a working definition. I would

  • Lab Report Physics Essay

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    instead of the wood? Explain. The results would not be the same since duct tape has a different friction from wood. This is because wood has a more uneven and rough texture, while duct tape is smoother. If all 4 sides of the block (ignoring the 2 ends of the block) were the SAME material, would it matter which side you placed the block on? Explain why or why not. No, it wouldn’t matter because the friction is the same. This is because the mass has not changed, and the material has also not changed

  • Newton's Second Law Lab Report

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    in words “a is proportional to F”. Therefore, a=kF, which can be rearranged to get F=(1/k)a. We know that F=ma where the mass is the cart plus the weights with friction considered, and we know that weight=mass x gravitational field strength. So, we use w-fric=ma instead of F=ma, where the force is substituted by the weight minus the friction. This can be rearranged to isolate a as such: a = (1/m)w - (1/m)fric and because w in this case represents F, it can be written as a= (1/m)F - (1/m)fric. This

  • Modern Day ABS Research Papers

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    As we know a vehicle moves due to the frictional force between the tyre and road. When we apply brakes, the brakes apply a torque in the opposite direction as that of friction and the wheel gradually comes to rest. This is how normal brakes work. Now, whenever we are traveling on smooth surfaces like snow where the friction coefficient is low and hence less frictional force. When a brake is applied in these conditions or even when you brake hard on a regular surface the amount of torque is so high

  • Crucible Case Study Chemistry

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    Ra = 0.4*8.66 = 3.46 N < fa Hence the block A will move down the incline with acceleration aA = (fa - fk(a))/m = (10 - 0.2*8.66)/1 = 8.27 m/s2 (This acceleration is with respect to the truck. Also while the block is moving then only the kinetic friction force fk = μk(a) * Ra will act) For the block B: Normal reaction Rb = 2*m*g*cosθ = 17.32 N so the maximum frictional force possible fmax(b) = 0.5*17.32 =

  • Does The Speed Or Velocity Of The Car Change Due To The Magnetic Field Present?

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    consistent and support the hypothesis stated at the start of the experiment. The time taken for the car with the magnet will take more time to travel the distance on the aluminium strip compared to the car on the plastic strip as the magnet will cause friction and deviations on the path. More amount of trials and precision and a better range of distances could have been more accurate and constant which would lead to a better result. I could have also used better instruments to make it more efficient and

  • Essay On Trampolines

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    What is trampolines? A trampoline is a device consisting of a piece of taut, strong fabric stretched over a steel frame using many coiled springs. The fabric that users bounce on commonly known as the ‘bounce mat’ or ‘trampoline bed’. And is not elastic in itself; the elasticity is provided by the springs that connect it to the frame, which store potential energy. People bounce on trampolines for recreational and competitive purposes. It is said that the trampoline was first developed by an artist

  • Acceleration Of A Trolley On An Inclined Surface

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    Research Question How an external force, in this case gravity, affects the acceleration of a trolley while on an inclined surface at different angles? An inclined surface essentially means that the surfaces angle is less than 1800. When the trolley is put on the top of this inclined surface we will measure the time taken by the car to reach the bottom and from that data we will find out the acceleration. Hypothesis I think that the trolley’s acceleration will increase due to the fact that the

  • Elastic Potential Energy Experiment

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    on the tub which will affect the displacement of the tub. Furthermore, the surface that the tub will be travelling on will remain the same throughout the whole experiment as changing the surfaces will affect the results due to friction, some surfaces may have more friction than others, which is why we will be using the same surface every time we conduct a trial to prevent errors. In addition, the elastic band will also remain the same throughout the experiment as different elastic bands have different

  • Rubber Band Slingshot Lab Report

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    Determining the Spring Constant of a rubber band through a slingshot From the beginning I knew I wanted to start a Physics related to motion. I’ve always had an interest in using devices to fire an object at greater speeds than throwing. The reason I chose to use a slingshot was that I never used one before in my life. Using motion to determine the spring constant at a certain force allows me to have a problem to which I would solve using something I enjoy. Used in the early times for hunting and

  • Asymmetrical Aerofoils

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    . When a force is transferred by a moving solid object to another solid object, the second object will generally move in either the same direction or in a direction at a small angle (less than 90 degree) to the direction of motion of the first object, unless subjected to another force. However, the method by which forces are transferred from a fluid to a solid object is very different. Wind turbines are operating in an unconstrained fluid, in this case air. To understand how they work, two terms

  • Robotic Pool Cleaner Research Paper

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    For pool owners, there is nothing more exhausting than cleaning the pool itself. Perhaps the common denominator as to why people want to own a pool is that they want to relax and enjoy it with their family and friends. That is the reason why most pool owners prefer to buy robotic pool cleaners. Having fun in the water is only the peak of an iceberg of having a pool. The rest of the iceberg lies on pool maintenance. It would probably take more time cleaning the entire pool than the actual leisure

  • The Importance Of Friction In Baseball

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    center field! However, soon to find out that it was a foul ball. The thrill starts to die off, as the buzzer sounded to signify that it was the end of the ninth inning. In baseball, concepts such as friction, Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion, and projectile motion continue to astonish fans today. “Friction is a force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are touching” (fill in later). When a baseball player strikes the ball, the first thing that comes to their mind is to score. An example is after