Nursing home Essays

  • Nursing Home Observation Paper

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    We also went over the various types of licensed care facilities an ombudsman serves. Ombudsmen are expected to visit Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF), Distinct Part Facilities (DP) Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE), Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF), Adult Residential Facilities (ARF), Adult Day Health Care Facilities (ADHC) and Adult Day Programs (ADP). Although we learned about these different facilities, the main two types of facilities I became familiar with were the SNFs and

  • The Nursing Home Reform Act (NHRA)

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    Nursing Home Reform Act As previously stated, The Nursing Home Reform Act (NHRA), public law 100-203 is a federal policy. This policy provides guidelines for care facilities such as nursing homes to follow. In addition, he NHRA also provides guidelines for services the care facility must provide or they are subject to face punishment from the federal government (Nursing Home Reform Act, 1987). The Nursing Home Reform Act is part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1987 section C

  • Race Relation In Nursing Home Analysis

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    This source about race relation in nursing homes is a journal article that I found, and is a summary of a number of sources. The purpose of this journal article is to inform people about everything that is going on within the nursing homes from the work conditions for CNA’s or the understanding the different ethnicities within nursing homes and how that effects their care. The authors of this article are Priscilla D. Allen and Katie Cherry. Priscilla D. Allen is credible to speak on this subject

  • Racial Disparity In Nursing Home Care Essay

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    particularly challenging. Prevailing racial disparities in nursing home care quality exemplify this reality. In recent years, though there have been some improvements in nursing home care quality, Blacks are still more likely to receive suboptimal care in nursing homes, compared to Whites (2). For instance, a nationally representative study in the U.S. found influenza and pneumococcal vaccination rates to be lower among Black nursing home residents compared to Whites, indicating potential racial

  • Wisteria Garden Nursing Home Case Study

    1248 Words  | 5 Pages

    Wisteria Garden Nursing Home is a privately owned boutique nursing and rehabilitation center. It was established in 2007, and is located on Hwy 80 in Pearl Mississippi. Amenities include beautiful courtyards with path for walking and seating for rest and scenic admiration. Group interaction is encouraged by providing amusing and demanding activities accessible in many of the multiuse common areas. The dining experience is no different; clients may enjoy socializing while dining in the restaurant

  • College Essay On Nursing Home

    307 Words  | 2 Pages

    What is a Nursing Home? Today in the United States there are over 16,000 nursing homes. Nursing homes, also known as skilled nursing facilities, are for seniors who require constant medical care and need significant assistance with the activities of daily living. The goal of care in a nursing home is to help individuals meet their daily physical, medical, social, and psychological needs. Nursing homes are generally stand alone facilities, but some are operated within a hospital or an assisted living

  • Nursing Home Turnover

    506 Words  | 3 Pages

    Mukamel, D. B., Spector, W. D., Limcangco, R., Wang, Y., Feng, Z., & Mor, V. (2009). The costs of turnover in nursing homes. Medical Care, 47(10), 1039-1045. doi:10.1097/MLR.0b013e3181a3cc62 Location: JSTOR Purpose and Key finding: The aim of this paper is to estimate the net costs associated with turnover of direct care staff in nursing homes. The study showed that turnover and cost is negative i.e. turnover is associated with cost saving. According the study, an increase in turnover of 10 percentages

  • Nursing Home Research Paper

    520 Words  | 3 Pages

    1. Assistance with daily tasks - nursing homes provide assistance to their residents with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, eating, drinking, using restroom, running errands and administering medicine. Typical daily tasks can become increasingly difficult with old age. Many seniors lose their driver 's license at some point and are no longer able to drive to the grocery store or local pharmacy. 2. Social environment - residing in a nursing facility provides seniors with a built-in social

  • Situational Analysis In Nursing Home

    754 Words  | 4 Pages

    introduction A situation analysis is implemented with the purpose of clearly defining the organization actions. However, characteristics of quality health care in a nursing home is coordinate through available resources. A situation analysis that is created for a nursing home points out inconsistencies such as marginal competence, diminished quality of care, weak communication skills, responsiveness, patient experience, unreliability and performance variations. Hence, to tackle the barriers within

  • Neglect In Nursing Home Essay

    655 Words  | 3 Pages

    licensed nursing homes, and another projected 90,000 to 1 million live in an estimated 45,000 residential care facilities variously known as assisted living facilities, or adult care homes. Research proposes that the 2.5 million exposed individuals in these settings are at much higher danger for abuse and neglect than older persons who live at home. The all-purpose goal of this paper are to present the obtainable evidence about the nature and possibility of abuse and neglect in nursing homes and other

  • Abuse And Neglect In Nursing Homes

    639 Words  | 3 Pages

    ELDERLY Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Homes Thesis: A growing argument and concern in healthcare today is elder abuse in nursing homes. Have you thought of the time you visit you mother or father in a nursing home? Have you also thought of the time when you went to visit and you noticed there was aurine scent throughout the halls of the facility? Then you noticed that the skin on the back of your mother’s legs was red and irritated. Are these coincidences or not? There are many

  • Abuse In Nursing Home Abuse

    1533 Words  | 7 Pages

    Often times I have heard about nursing home abuse on television, news broadcasts, local and national journalists, and the media of residents being victimized. Currently throughout the United States, elderly and non-elderly individuals are placed in nursing home facilities for diverse causes. Aging parent’s declining health, mental incapacity, incontinence, restricted mobility, depression, poor family support, and the inability to function with every day daily task. The prerequisite before entering

  • Nursing Home Abuse Essay

    590 Words  | 3 Pages

    Nursing Home Abuse Not Just a Staffing Issue For years the term nursing home abuse has been used to indicate when one or more members of staff are caught physically abuse the residents. This is absolutely reprehensible behavior that should result in instant dismissal and in most if not all cases prosecution. In fact, one out of every five nursing home residents has experienced some form of physical or verbal abuse, according to a Weill Cornell Medicine study conducted by Dr. Mark Lachs and his colleagues

  • Abuse In Nursing Home Essay

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    People think that putting a Family member in a nursing home is alright and would expect their family member to be protected and get the help they need. Not all nursing homes are safe; there have been accidents including neglect and abuse. Government study found eighty-five percent of nursing homes reported at least one incidence of abuse or neglect in 2012. Abuse is getting hurt by someone or also getting neglected care. Some ways to tell if someone is being abused are bed sores, open wounds, bruising

  • Green Nursing Home Analysis

    671 Words  | 3 Pages

    After going to the nursing home with my health care class in grade 11 for about a month I decided to volunteer on my own after this field experience ended, at the Heritage Green Nursing Home over the weekends. Also, during school hours I was involved in the Co-op program and was placed in another nursing home called Ridgeview Long-Term Care. I was involved in this program for 5 months. While volunteering one of my responsibilities was to have daily one-on-one visitations, which involved visiting

  • Reflection On Nursing Home Management

    1534 Words  | 7 Pages

    The Nursing Home management development programme is designed will help you further develop your management and leadership skills in a nursing home environment. As part of the programme each participant will be required to keep a “Learner record” during the programme. The purpose of this document is to encourage you to reflect on the content of the Nursing Home Management Development Programme in Leadership and describe how you will go about implementing the learning into your personal management

  • Abuse In Nursing Home Essay

    530 Words  | 3 Pages

    Abuse in nursing homes is more common than people think. The frequency of mistreatment in nursing homes and the role that staffing and staff training may play in the prevention of such mistreatment is explored in the article “Prevention of Elder Mistreatment in Nursing Homes: Competencies for Direct-Care Staff” by Dana Dehart. While nursing home residents are often out-of-sight thus out-of-mind for many in society, their population is significant. Dehart (2009) states, “There are approximately 18

  • Clinical Experience In Nursing Home

    646 Words  | 3 Pages

    are part of your nursing classes that you must complete before you can graduate or even pass on to the next course. Every class varies from the location of the clinical, skills involved, and amount of hours you complete in order to move on. My first class that I had a clinical in was Foundations of Nursing which had to be completed in a nursing home so you can learn the basic care for a patient. The nursing home my instructor choose was Capitol Hill, a state funded nursing home. My first day was

  • Nursing Home Reform Law

    327 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the past, nursing homes have notoriously been known for not delivering the best quality care. There have been cases of patients being burned by heating pads, strapped to their beds with restraints, or given medication to quiet them down, with more extreme cases including patients so sedated, that they almost seemed lifeless. In 1987, the Nursing Home Reform Law was passed to change the quality of care being given to nursing home residents such as monitored clinical care, unexpected inspections

  • Elderly Living In Nursing Home

    1099 Words  | 5 Pages

    A comparative study measured the functional mobility, level of independence, depressive symptoms and quality of life of the elderly living at home and in the nursing home. In this study, 33 elderly living in a nursing home and 25 elderly living at home, who met the inclusion criteria and volunteered to contribute, were included. Sociodemographic characteristics were documented. Functional mobility (Timed Up & Go Test), depressive symptoms (Geriatric Depression Scale), level of independence (Kahoku