Space exploration Essays

  • Space Exploration Dbq

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    From the early ages, Space and the concept of Space Exploration has retained a notion of mystique and intrigue ever since the first astrologists gazed up at the stars. With the launch of Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong became the first person to ever step on the moon. Many years of struggle as well as many lives being lost has only led to greater discoveries but the sacrifices that were made will always be mourned and remembered. And despite the risks, the notion of space travel has led us to many different

  • The Space Race: Revolutionary To Space Exploration

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    The Space Race The Space Race was revolutionary to space exploration we all know today. As Neil Armstrong said as he took step on the moon, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” The space race opened many more doors for space missions by proving that the United States (U.S.) had the technology to do so much more as well. According to an article entitled “Space Race” by, the Space Race was triggered during the Cold War between the U.S. and Soviet Union. Both countries

  • Space Exploration Persuasive Essay

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    Have you ever dreamed of going to space, floating weightlessly through the black void? Whether as a toddler or still as an adult, everyone has had this dream. However, there is a point in many people’s lives where they lose interest, and some even oppose the idea of exploring the great beyond. Because of this, the world is where it is now: unable to make any significant progress in learning what is outside of our planet. Why do so many people deny the childlike curiosity of knowing what goes on

  • Space Exploration Persuasive Speech

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    Sydney Reed Period 5 Persuasive Commentary on the Exploration of Space Good afternoon, Mrs. Jimenez and peers. I am Sydney Reed, and today I will be presenting my viewpoint on the topic of extreme exploration of space. It is of some debate if this exploration is worth the risk it poses. Some argue that it is costly and dangerous, and they claim it is not worth the risks and costs. On the other hand, it is highlighted that space exploration is worth the risk because of the possible technological

  • Argumentative Essay On Space Exploration

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    Space exploration has long been a debated topic. From the days where there was controversy between whether the universe revolved around the Earth, because god made humans special, to whether Copernicus’s idea that the Earth and the other planets of the solar system revolve around the sun was true. Then there was the space race where there was a dilemma based on what was ethical to be produced and sent to space (such as weaponry during the cold war). The more contemporary problem involves the exploration

  • Persuasive Essay On Space Exploration

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    always been driven to explore the unknown. Understanding every detail of the puzzling mess of stars above would be of great benefit to our future. It’s appalling when you come to realise how blind we are regarding knowledge of space. As a species, we haven’t put our all into space projects, consequently resulting in not having a proper understanding of what lies beyond our planet. Sure, we have the basic outline of what’s within the milky way, but there is a whole galaxy of possibilities out there we

  • Space Exploration Argumentative Essay

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    to explore in order to answer those questions. The questions of why this or why that are what have been driving science and exploration in mankind’s past. Those questions cause humans to use their previous knowledge to learn something new, then use that new knowledge to learn yet another thing, and so on. The big questions humans ask that are related to space exploration are what is the human race’s place in the universe, how do humans and the universe affect each other, and is there life, specifically

  • Persuasive Essay On Space Exploration

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    Earth and colonise other planets, and to facilitate this we need to improve both our understanding of space and our ability to traverse it. The way onwards from this dangerous stalemate can only be the necessary investment of both resources and brainpower into the exploration of this vast and rich frontier.

  • Space Exploration Argumentative Essay

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    They believe space exploration is a poor investment that we put a lot into and get nothing in return. What they don't see is what goes on behind the rocket launches and space experiments, and how it has a huge on all of us. The space race in a 1960 for example brought forth modern america today. But there are many false accusations today that is preventing NASA's scientists and

  • Argumentative Essay About Space Exploration

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    the space exploration, it evokes a controversial response to the public. Some claim that it could be an advancement of scientific area, while others insist that might bring catastrophic results of the law of nature. It is undeniable that modern society have faced with various climate disasters such as drought, monsoon, typhoon and hurricanes. These kind of climate influence is getting serious than ever before. Thus, many scientists have started to invest the outside of earth called the space exploration

  • Argumentative Essay: Is Space Exploration Worth It?

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    Karsyn Boersma Mrs. Baxter ELA 7, 6th hour 28 March 2023 Final Argumentative Essay: Is Space Exploration Worth It? Imagine this, you are amongst the surrounding crowd outside the Kennedy Space Center, the area is packed with people. Today is the day of truth, the day the manned mission to Mars will take off. The fear and anticipation you feel is almost overwhelming. You’ve waited for this moment, dreamt of it, but now it’s a reality and everything is different. After what felt like hours you see

  • Early Space Exploration Pros And Cons

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    a spacefaring civilization is all about.” (Musk in Space X , 2017) It is about believing in the future and thinking that the future will be better than the past. There are really two fundamental paths, History is bifurcate along two directions One path is we stay on Earth forever, and then there will be some eventual extinction event, the alternative is to become a space faring civilization and a multi planet species. In early space exploration, the scientists found that Mars is the most suitable

  • Argumentative Essay: Is Space Exploration Worth It?

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    Is Space Exploration Worth it? Do you want to stay here forever? The question of space exploration has lingered inside everyone’s mind since the Space Race and humans looked to the stars. Humankind exploring our interstellar neighborhood in inevitable and beneficial. Starting off, the first reason we are slowly killing our planet, draining it of its resources. For example, mining, drilling for oil, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Eventually, we will have no more of a certain resource to

  • Why Is Space Exploration Worth The Cost

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    2017 Is Space Exploration Worth the Cost? Since 1969 when Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, and Michael Collins landed on the moon, space exploration has intensified in the recent days with the developed countries competing to send astronauts into space. The US government allocates billions to space navigation each year to fund the scientific undertakings needed to make the entire process a success. The overarching question in the whole phenomenon is whether the benefits accrued from these space voyages

  • Annotated Bibliography: 'For And Against: Space Exploration'

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    PAP/A1 Hern Annotated Bibliography Hanbury,Robin,and Piers Bizony. “For and Against: Space Exploration.” Engineering and Technology Magazine.The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2014. Web. 29 June 2014. Author, journalist, and filmmaker, Piers Bizony in his side of the article “For and Against:Space Exploration” argues that the exploration of space is not a waste of funds,and should continue to fund it. He supports this claim by explaining

  • Space Exploration: Apollo And The Apollo Missions

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    Space Exploration: Apollo Missions Project Apollo and the Apollo Missions were a culmination of years of work, thousands of man-hours, and a commitment to President John F. Kennedy’s push for space exploration and the endeavor to be willing to face challenges and succeed. The men and women involved were dedicated to advancing our understanding of science and developing the necessary technology to reach the Moon. They strived for greatness, excellence, and brilliantly succeeded beyond what most thought

  • Final Agruement Essay: Is Space Exploration Worth It?

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    Essay Is Space Exploration Worth It? Did you know that air pollution is a greater threat to life expectancy than smoking, HIV or war? We, as humans, are polluting our only habitable place in this whole solar system, and so many people are ignoring it like it doesn’t matter! And we aren’t even talking about how dangerous it could be. America should not be prioritizing Earth exploration because we need to preserve our Earth first, and it could be really dangerous to the people going into space. My first

  • Is Space Exploration Worth The Cost Jfk Summary

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    dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly,” -John F. Kennedy. According to John F. Kennedy, in his famous speech, “Remarks at the Dedication of Aerospace Medical Health Center,” Kennedy strongly believed that America should take part in major space exploration. Readers should strongly agree with Kennedy’s position because there are medical and technological benefits. The first reason to agree with Kennedy’s position is that there are many medical benefits that can help improve modern medicine. According

  • Final Argumentative Essay: Is Space Exploration Worth It?

    680 Words  | 3 Pages

    Final Argumentative Essay: Is Space Exploration Worth It? Have you ever wondered what it’s like in space? The beautiful stars we see from a distance, now up close and vivid, being able to look back down and see the planet we call home, below your feet. We can talk about it all we want, but it means so little if we don’t go, so why wouldn’t we be doing everything we can to go to space? It’s not just the scenery that makes space so amazing, it’s the endless exploration possibilities. We have done so

  • Space Exploration Benefits

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    With space exploration beginning with Generation X, who are now our parents, living on other planets and in space has always been a thought. The space voyage, starting with Kennedy, has yet to see a halt in the space exploration advancements. Kennedy had said in 1961, that within ten years they will send a man to the moon, and by 1969 three men took the first steps on the moon. Scientists and researchers see that with a will there's a way, and the goal set for Mars colonization is the year 2020.