Sudden cardiac death Essays

  • Vasovagal Syncope Research Paper

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    or passing out, is a temporary loss of consciousness. It occurs when the blood flow to the brain is reduced. Vasovagal syncope, also called neurocardiogenic syncope, is a fainting spell in which the blood flow to the brain is reduced because of a sudden drop in heart rate and blood pressure. Vasovagal syncope occurs when the brain and the cardiovascular system (blood vessels) do not adequately communicate and respond to each other. This is the most common cause of fainting. It often occurs in response

  • Pros And Cons Of Paid Parental Leave

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    The United States is the first world country to not guarantee paid maternity leave. The question to have have paid parental leave has been a heated debate. The U.S offers twelve weeks of unpaid.The reality is that parents can not afford to take time off. They often have to seek outside help if they want time off. The ideal paid parental leave would cover both parents and adoptive parents. Sexual identity would not matter. Parental leave can have a positive impact on children, parents, and it can

  • Mandatory Vaccines Should Be Mandatory

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    Mandatory VaccinationsGood Morning!My name is Fatema and today I will be talking to you about introducing a policy thatmakes all vaccines mandatory. Immunization is process that makes an individual immune orresistant to a certain diseases, by administrating vaccines. Vaccines are basically the proof forthe saying “practice makes perfect”. The process involves introducing the microbes of aninfectious disease in a controlled amount to allow the body’s immune system to fight it. Oncethe body has fought

  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Analysis

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    Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) has been an ongoing issue for childbearing families and health care providers for decades. In developed countries, SIDS is the most common cause of death in children between one and twelve months of age (Strehle et al., 2012). Since the Safe Sleep campaign was established in 1994, the incidence of SIDS has decreased by approximately 53% over a ten-year span (Chung-Park, 2012). Although the decrease in SIDS deaths has been significant, the number is still alarmingly

  • Cardiac Arrest Case Study

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    ABSTRACT Sudden cardiac arrest in the pediatric population is a rare occurrence, but it can be devastating. An understanding of the differential for the etiology of the cardiac arrest allows for more expedient and appropriate care and can lead to more favorable outcomes. Pediatric sudden cardiac arrest can occur with or without prodromal symptoms and may occur with or without exercise. The most common cause is arrhythmia that may be due to a channelopathy, cardiomyopathy, or myocarditis. After

  • Five Factor Theory Of Personality

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    After many decades of research on the human personality, first hypothesized by Sir Francis Galton in 1884, the five-factor personality theory was finally published by Robert McCrae and Paul Costa in 1985.33 The theory determines the most important traits in a personality from thousands of traits, and it uses the factor analysis. These factors are believed to be the core of someone’s personality and they cannot be changed during the lifespan of a person. The five traits consistently emerge from factor-analytic

  • Mandatory Parenting Classes

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    There is also a baby safety class, which helps parents keep kids safe from predators. Shaken baby syndrome, which is a very harmful and serious brain injury resulting from forcefully shaking an infant or toddler. How to avoid sudden infant death syndrome would be taught and how to hold and keep a baby safe. Changing diapers, giving bottles, sleeping techniques, teen benefits, and last of all baby safety. (Ireland) (Smith) In conclusion, the question still remains “Should all high school

  • Essay On Artificial Pacemaker

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    electric stimulus to the heart muscle in order regulate the heartbeat. Functionally, a pacemaker comprises at least three parts: a electrical pulse generator, a power source and an electrode system. It is used to treat abnormal heart rhythms called Cardiac dysrhythmia or arrhythmias The development of artificial pacemaker begins with the introduction of the galvanism theory. In 1762, Luigi Galvani became an anatomy lecturer at the University of Bologna. On November 6, 1787, when he was slowly skinning

  • Sudden Cardiac Defibrillation

    424 Words  | 2 Pages

    she has suffered cardiac arrest. If you find a person unconscious, or see him or her collapse, then you will need to check to see if he or she is responsive. Shake the person and shout to make sure that he or she is not sleeping. Pinch an infant or young child to try to wake him or her up. You should call 911 or have someone else call it. If there is another person present, then one of you can call 911 while the other one administers CPR. Sudden cardiac arrest can result in death if it is not treated

  • Case Study: Preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

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    Preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome “My baby is not breathing!” Thus begins the too-often heard emergency call to 911 when a frantic parent finds their infant has stopped breathing. The sudden, unexpected death of an infant under the age of one year is classified as a Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID). SUID encompasses Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Unknown Causes, and Accidental Suffocation and Strangulation of an infant in bed. Of the three categories, SIDS is the most prevalent

  • Unit 4 P4 Research Paper

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    P4 – Describe the three structures of the skeletal muscle (Epimysium, Perimysium and Endomysium) There are three structures of the skeletal muscle: Epimysium is a thick layer of irregular connective tissue that pulls the entire muscle as well as protecting the muscle from friction that may be caused by other muscles and bones surrounding them. Also, it is the fibrous tissue which covers and surrounds skeletal muscles. The Epimysium carries on past the end of bones in order to create muscle tendons

  • Sliding Filament Theory

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    associated with this gene but disruption of this protein has always lead to muscle dystrophies. At early stages of the disease patient’s biopsies have shown both degeneration and regeneration of the myofibers indicating there is a balance between the cell death and regenerative process. However muscle fibres taken from older patients showed a reduction in the number of myofibers and far more adipose and connective tissues, clearly indicating that the progression of this disease is due

  • Essay On Mechanomyography

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    Smooth muscle is the muscle found in all hollow organs of the body except the heart, and is generally not under voluntary control. Cardiac muscle, the only type of muscle which does not experience fatigue, is the muscle found in the walls of the heart which continuously pumps blood through the heart. Skeletal muscle is the muscle attached to the skeleton which is the type of muscle that

  • Muscle Transplantation: A Case Study

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    There is a lot to think about when it comes to transplanting muscle fibers. Since there are fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers all over the body within every muscle group, one would have to extract the entire muscle. Then there is the issue with the cells of the tissue staying alive during the process of removal and transplant. However, it is possible to increase the number of muscle fast twitch muscle fibers through surgery, but one will not be able to do so without transferring over some

  • Hip Muscles

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    2 Hip Muscles and Movements The hip joint is a multi-axial ball-and-socket joint, and therefore, movements along perpendicular planes occur over a wide arch of motion, namely flexion and extension, adduction and abduction, medial and lateral rotation, and circumduction . Muscles surrounding the hip are divided into groups; each is mainly, but not only, responsible for a certain movement of the hip. The main hip flexor is the psoas muscle, helped by the iliacus, but also other muscles assist in hip

  • Flexibility Of Muscle Essay

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    Ability of muscle to lengthen and permit the joint to move through range of motion is known as flexibility. Flexibility of a specific jointis evaluated from range of motion. Efficiency and effectiveness of human movement is depends on muscle tissue length of specific joint.1 Flexibility of a person is might be limited due to several musculoskeletal overuse injuries and significantly affect a person’s joint ability. Hamstring is one of muscle groups that have a tendency to get shorten. Predisposing

  • Decompression At Home Essay

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    Our spine is one of the delicate organ of nervous system, as it protects the central nervous system of human body, as well as the main support for the body to stay upright. It comprises of small bones placed one over the other which provides flexibility for movement. The upper part of spine is terminated in the skull. This region where the spine is attached to the skull is called the cervical region or neck. Pain in the neck or cervical pain is one of the diseases that are found very often in

  • Essay On Sports Tryout

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    ~ “Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely.” -Henry Ford (owner of Ford Motor company) “What if I don’t make it?’’ and “What if I tryout poorly?” are a few of the questions I ask myself constantly when I am preparing for a sports tryout. A few years back, I was head-to-head with a couple of crucial decisions that would change my perspective on failing forever. I had a choice: I could have chosen to quit, or I could have chosen to persevere. The law of life that

  • Muscle Hypertrophy Research Paper

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    Satellite Cell, Muscle Hypertrophy and Exercise Serife Vatansever1 Burcin Olcucu2 1Abant Izzet Baysal University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Department of Trainer Education, Bolu, Turkey. 2Gaziosmanpasa University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Department of Coaching Education, Tokat, Turkey. Abstract Optimal repair and adaptation of skeletal muscle is facilitated by resident satellite cells (satellite cells). Satellite cells are not only responsible for muscle repair

  • Essay On Muscle Contraction

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    Almost half of a human 's body weight is composed of muscle. There are three distinct types of muscle tissue: cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, and smooth muscle. Each of the muscle tissues have different structures, properties, characteristics, and roles in our body. Properties of muscle tissues include excitability, contractility, extensibility, and elasticity. Contractility is the ability to shorten, which causes movement of the structures to which the muscles are attached. Excitability is the