The Importance Of A Healthy And Balanced Diet

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In a world full of fast food, TV health progammes and comlicated diet books, having a healthy and balanced diet is suprisingly simple. A balanced diet means that our body gets the nutrients it needs to function properly. The key to eating healthy is most definitely balance, meaning we should eat varied food in the correct proportions to maintain weight and health. The ideal diet consists of fat, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, water and fibers. On the other hand, eating too much or too little of one type of food results in malnutrition which can lead to complications including obesity. Based on statistics, we find that 52%, more than half of the adult population in the European Union is obese. This is largely due to us eating more than we should, but not just the food, many drinks contain high calories. Furthermore obesity causes heart disease and even diabetes, yet another reason to have a healthier diet.
Carbohydrates …show more content…

They are in everything from bread and milk to popcorn and cookies. Our body uses carbohydrates, reducing them though digestion to produce glucose, using it as an energy source or storing it for later use. As the fuel of the organism, a diet should be based around them. There are many sources of carbohydrate, their quality being the most important, meaning some sources are better than others. The healthiest sources are minimally processed whole grains, vegetables, beans and fruits. Other unhealthier sources include white bread, pastries and refined foods. Most of them contain carbohydrates that are easily digested and overconsumption leads to weight gain, diabetes and heart

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