Adhesive Taping Research Paper

987 Words4 Pages

Names: ___Brooke Mento, Brianna Spencer, Megan Soucy___
Bracing versus Adhesive Taping: What is the Best Prevention Strategy for Your Athletes?
Ankle injuries are the most commonly occurring athletic injuries in the world. There are three types of ankle sprains: inversion, eversion, and syndesmotic or “high” ankle sprains. Out of these three, inversion, or lateral ankle sprains account for approximately 85% of all ligamentous sprains.1 Lateral ankle sprains are the most common because the lateral malleolus provides stability during eversion, but the medial malleolus on the distal portion of the tibia is shorter, which leaves more room for excessive inversion.2 Ankle sprains commonly occur as a result of an athlete landing while unbalanced or running on an uneven surface. Because of this, it is extremely important that clinicians know the best way to prevent these types of injuries. Two very common acute injury prevention strategies are adhesive ankle taping and conventional bracing. …show more content…

The most substantial difference between braces and adhesive taping is the materials that they are made out of.1 There have been studies that examine the way these materials hold up over time as well as how comfortable they are for the athlete. The most common brace used is a semi-rigid ankle training brace.3 These braces protect both malleoli and can extend approximately 6 inches above the ankle joint capsule.3 The most common form of adhesive taping technique is performed using the basket weave, with stirrup and heel-lock

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