
American Immigrant Immigration

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The “American dream” was a promise the United States had made to provide equality, freedom, justice and opportunity to anyone residing in the United States of America. This three word statement, provided hope, prosperity and success for outsiders seeking to immigrate to the United States. Between the civil war and WWI, the industrial revolution started and the United States quickly became the most industrial powerful country. “By the beginning of world war I, one third of all Jews in Russia and eastern Europe had emigrated, most of them to the United States. America had caught their “fancy”. Stories about freedom and a better life there were “buzzing” all around them. The distant land was viewed as a “Garden of Eden”, “the Golden Land”, where Jews would no longer be enslaved by “dead drudgery” the cry “to America!” roared like “wild fire.” (Takaki, 264) Because of all of the new advancements in technology and important resources, immigrants from all over the world flooded in search for opportunity, which eventually led the United States to a population boom. Most of these …show more content…

The second generation started creating a positive image of immigration in America. They have begun to educate America’s society about different ethnicities, cultures and races. Some have even largely contributed to the American arts. There have been immigrants who played roles in writing famous books, directing, and acting. As an example from contemporary times, Steve Jobs was a son of a Syrian immigrant. Steve jobs was an amazing contributor to modern technology, yet most people don’t know this about him. Whether we embrace it or not, there is no denying immigrants from all around the world endured many obstacles so that we can be sitting here today. They paved the way for our careers in hopes that we can make this world a better place. We owe it to them, we owe it to ourselves and our future

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