Agility Scalability Strategy Case Study

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Since the introduction of MOOC the world of higher education has never been the same. The acronym MOOC, stands for massive open online courses which sole purpose is to provide an unlimited students participation with open accessibility through the internet. These online studies provides a forum where users; professors, students, and teaching assistants can interact between each other to support their interactions on the learning platform and courses on this platform are also accompanied with some conventional course materials to facilitate the learning process such as problems settings, research articles, reading, assessments, filmed lectures, textbooks, research and simulations.
However, the University of Buea (UB), Cameroon is a state owned …show more content…

I am going to use this University in this assignment as my case study to develop an appropriate IT strategy: a strategy using an agile-scalable implementation method known as ‘‘Agility-Scalability strategy’’, is the best strategy that fit perfectly with UB existing educational practices for offering distance learning courses online which will enhance their ability to leverage newly available technologies like MOOCs. The University of Buea located in Buea South West Region of Cameroon is a young and renowned University especially in Cameroon and abroad which is sometimes referred to by us as Cameroon’s ‘‘Cambridge University’’. It was created in 1992 with a full status of a University which first started as a University centre in 1985, and was later gained the status of a full University with English as its main language of instruction ( University …show more content…

As per the context of UB, this strategy will be very functional and effective if it is apply in stages, by starting to meet the needs of the Cameroonian general population for it first three years of online courses offered and subsequently expand to the whole world. By doing so, UB would easily realize the benefit of offering free online courses. In addition, I chose this strategy because after conducting my research on UB present educational practices, I found that UB has no experience when it comes to offering online courses of any sort. Therefore, using an agility-scalable strategy should be the right strategy for UB because it will enable UB to build up it experiences as fast as possible. The strategy is so called because its agility capability would enable UB to learn during and after the implementation by gathering user’s feedbacks information to further redesigned the IT infrastructure incrementally to upgrade their own MOOC performance which will also turn to solve some of the overcrowding (see appendix explanation 2) in lecture rooms as some registered student can study at home online and go to school only when they wants to take an exam. On the other hand, being scalable at the same time would enable the university to be flexible in adjusting and upgrading its own MOOC system

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