Swot Analysis Of Citi Bank

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Program & Batch: PGDM 2014-2016 Term: Second Course Name: Organizational Dynamics Name of the faculty: Bindu Gupta Topic/ Title : Citi Bank Original or Revised Write-up: Original Group Number: 2 Contact No. and email of Group Coordinator: +91 9811220551 14ftadritaguha@imt.ac.in Group Members: Sl. Roll No. Name 1 1401-01002 Abhinay Gondotra 2 1401-01011 Adrita Guha 3 1401-01110 Saikiran Polinati 4 1401-02049 Himanshu Goyal 5 1401-03034 Arpit Negi 6 1401-03049 Chetna Bhardwaj 7 1401-03131 Rajat Anand Table of Contents 1. Brief History of Company 2. Vision, Mission and Values 3. Services/Products 4. Analysis of Environment for the company using the Environment Uncertainty Framework 5. Expectations of Different Stakeholders …show more content…

During the 1970s Citibank pioneered as the first U.S. banks to have introduced the automatic teller machines, in order to give a 24-hour access to their bank accounts. Customers could use their existing Citicard in this machine to withdraw cash and make deposits regularly. In April 2006, Citibank had accidentally struck a deal with the 7-Eleven to stall its automated teller machine (ATMs) in about more than 6,700 convenience stores across the United States. Online Banking: Citibank.com was registered in 1991, making Citi a pioneer in online banking too. Existing on the internet years before the World Wide Web was launched was a speciality of this. Initially it was used for email and other sundry internet interactions, but during 1995, Citibank pioneered online access to their customers’ bank accounts. At first access was through a software distributed on a floppy. Afterward of the creation of the World Wide Web, Citibank offered browser-based access as a major highlight. This made Citibank one of the longest and finest term financial residents of both the internet and the World Wide Web together, being one of its

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