
City Of Denver Company Essay

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Stakeholders include anyone who has direct or indirect interest in the performance of a company’s business. Stakeholders include employees, customers, shareholders, trade unions, management, customers, communities and vendors, who may have different objectives for company’s business . Some objectives may be explicitly stated whereas others are implied. It is the company’s responsibility to set priorities based on all the stakeholders' objectives to efficiently fulfill them. The DIA project is a collaborative effort of City of Denver, Adam county, major airlines, airline operators, food industry companies, cargo companies etc. The objectives or interests of the stakeholders are very different due to their diversity. Some of the stakeholders and their interests are:
• City …show more content…

• Financial institutions that have provided bonds to finance the DIA project are interested in getting a return on their investment.
• Passengers – The passengers would want a smooth and efficient travel experience with the DIA as the Denver airport will have many international and domestic flights operating every day.
• Project management team – other than the City of Denver, Greiner and MKC that would be managing the entire DIA project and receive compensation for it depending on their performance.
• The two architectural firms that were awarded the contracts for the design of the DIA and their final contract income depended on proper completion of the DIA.
• BAE was assigned to work on the automated baggage system and their performance impacted the delays in the project. Effective completion of the DIA would influence their earned income and reputation.
• The hotel and food industry that would operate at the DIA as well as in the vicinity of DIA and generate more revenue for their

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