
How Does Climate Change Affect The Skiing Industry

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Over the past few years the issue of climate change has become an extremely relevant issue in our society. It has large impacts on a lot of things including wildfires, droughts, and increasing temperatures, just to name a few. One fairly recent impact that climate change is having is on the skiing industry. This year alone we are seeing the massive effect that climate change is having. With increasing temperatures many ski resorts are having a hard time staying open. With the skiing industry being nearly a 2 billion dollar industry this certainly bad news. We need to be able to slow the rate in which climate change is affecting our world or else we are going to have a big issue on our hands.

Recently there have been a lot of issues with …show more content…

There are an incredible amount of jobs in ski towns that rely on tourism. When tourism becomes less and less popular because there is no snow at the resorts, people who work in the towns will be greatly affected, “All of this translates into less snow and fewer people on the slopes, which results in massive economic hardship for resorts, states, local communities, businesses and their employees. In an American winter landscape where more than three-quarters of states benefit economically from winter sports and where our study finds that nationwide there are 211,900 jobs either directly or indirectly supported by the ski and snowmobile industry, changing snowfall patterns will have a significant economic effect.”(Protect Our Winters Article) Because of a lack of snow many people have had a large effect on their jobs. This effect is important because when people do not have jobs it is hard for a town to keep running. Everyone in the town is in some way affected by the way snow conditions are. If the conditions are bad then there are not as many tourists coming into the town and thus there are less people going to the hotels and this impacts the people running the hotels. It is also important to note that it is not just skiing that is …show more content…

There are many things that people are doing to help reverse the effects that have started to happen and if everyone can help pitch in it is possible to help with the problem. Dr. David Robinson, a professor at Rutgers University, gave me some insight about what anyone can do to help with the issue of climate change, "In a nutshell, we can all "attack" the problem by reducing our consumption of fossil fuels. This includes using cleaner energy sources and simply using less energy. For individuals/families this can mean lowering the thermostat, driving more fuel efficient vehicles, installing solar panels on a home, beefing up insulation on a home, etc. It also means being an advocate for the environment. This includes being more aware of the environment and what is going on within it, learning the positions of your political leaders and get out and vote for those who best agree with your thoughts on matters, joining organizations that agree with your thoughts on environmental issues, and even consider becoming a leader within such an organization or jumping into the political fray."” The ways that Dr. Robinson described how we are able to help are spot on. It is very important that we try to do as many of these things that we can. Of course it is hard to do all because living a eco-friendly life takes a large amount of money, but just spreading

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