Essay On Creativity And Academic Achievement

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Creativity and academic achievement
In art, technology, philosophy and all fields of human endeavour, creativity has been a determining factor. It is a process that is based on insightful experience. The creative process is a journey beyond the familiar into the unknown. It extends beyond the everyday dealings with the environment or with one’s self. It not only involves appropriate skills and resources, but also encounters obstacles and challenges to be overcome. The attempts to define creativity range from those characterizing it as a simple problem-solving to others emphasizing the full realization and expression of one's unique potentialities. Maslow (1959) insists on the importance of the flash or insight - the transcendent sensation itself - without reference to whether it will result in anything tangible. The salient issue is not the 'inspired product' but the 'inspired moment'. Getzels (1964-) while giving primacy to the nature of the problem rather than to the solution, draws a distinction between presented and discovered problem situations; the former involving a problem that is already formulated, the latter a problem that still needs formulation.

. Viewed within this perspective it is likely to relate to achievement in various areas and more especially to academic domain.

In the recent years considerable …show more content…

Halpin & Tillman (197*0, Cooper & Richmond (1975), and Feiery (1976) also reported significant correlations among creativity, I.Q. and achievement measures. Gakhar & wahi (1978) found that both verbal creativity and non-verbal creativity are positively significantly correlated with achievement at 0.01 level (r = 0.35*f and 0.288 respectively). Basu (1982) in a study found the correlation between creativity and achievement to be 0.51, being significant at 0.01 level. Wroble (1982) found creativity to be highly correlated to residual

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