Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Autonomous Robots

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An autonomous robot is a machine that can do tasks without the need of human intervention. A simple example of an autonomous robot is a vacuum cleaner that will set out to vacuum a room or a house on its own, avoiding obstacles and automatically returns to its charging station. According to earlier studies, autonomous robots can bring impacts which are advantages to the development of economics, ecological and social in the world and it can bring disadvantages to development as well, as the impacts.
According to the earlier study, one of the advantages of autonomous robots is it can increase the speed of time of the product to the market. As autonomous robots become more sophisticated, the setup times are decreasing because autonomous robots require less supervision, and they are able to work side by side without human intervention. The benefits are expanding as autonomous robots become capable of …show more content…

While this type of progress has been positive in many regards, it is far from certain that this will always be the case. In order to create a sustainable in economic, ecological and social, it is imperative that scientific research focuses on improvements that positively impact human societies and natural environment. In order to allow such developments to take place, there must be ample space and time. Population growth will intensify the crises that the world already faces, and people in crisis do not have time to wait for the development of sustainable technologies. In conclusion, robots have a wide range of advantages and disadvantages. And their utilization will only increase through time and with more technological advances. People in the industry should know better how to determine when to use and when to not use Autonomous robots in order to balance the people workforce and the robots workforce in the industry, so that the development in the economis, ecological and social can be

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