Single Sex Schools Research Paper

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The benefits of attending single-sex schools
According to Baker, (1995) various countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Ireland are running number of single sex schools and other countries such as United States and Britain are working on increasing number of single sex schools. This topic outlines describes details on single sex schools through English speaking course in various countries. It tries to provide critical perception on the benefits from attending single sex schools particularly in United States. These classrooms provide positive effect on girl’s academic excellence and connections. This topic explains advantage of single sex schools.
Academic Excellence - Jackson (2002) clears influence of sex education on student’s results and has stressed on academic excellence with help of analysis of overall achievement or measures of achievement in specific areas. Searching is distinguished in countries according to different …show more content…

Further studies indicate that girls want to learn in single sex schools. Average academic levels of male does not distinguish importantly between single sex and co- education but proves benefits of low getting students through single sex education. Female are getting benefits from single sex education to academic excellence particularly in science. Both boys and girls who prefer single sex schools achieved high academic performance, but co-educational schools could produce only low achieving boys and girls. Single sex schools are indicated to the private schools particularly in US. American research explained that single sex schools are linked to specific group or students in US. Researcher clears that positive influence of single sex schools remained better for the school connection and fulfillment of boys and girls but who attended co-educational schools remained low

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