Essay On Climate Alteration

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A lot of people died due to the starvation and the drought, when would people start to think and care about them, when would the humans regain their humanity and start to help each other against awful things like this. millions of people starve to death over there and others don't care. they only act that they do by crying and being sad, but this won't help the poor people that are being affected by the drought and starvation. we need to see people that are willing to make a difference, who are able to go there and provide help to these people. In a report on YouTube by Jamal Osman released on August 8, 2011. a man there is a man who used to live in Somalia but he escaped the drought came back to talk with people in villages see what's still going on there. so he started talking to Mokhtar Rabie a …show more content…

According to the CSIRO and Garnaut Climate Change result, climate alteration is expected to have numerous effect on many species, regions, activities and much base and areas of the saving and public wellness in Commonwealth of Australia. The Stern Report and Garnaut Review on balance expect these to outweigh the cost of mitigation. Sustained climate change could have drastic effects on the ecosystem of Australia. For example, rising sea temperatures and continual eroding of the coasts from higher water levels will cause further bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef. Beyond that, Australia’s climate will become even harsher, with more powerful tropical cyclones and longer droughts. The impacts of climate change will vary significantly across Australia. Not only that but the Australian Government released a detailed report on the impacts of climate change on coastal field of Australia, finding that up to 247,600 houses are at risk from flooding from a sea-level advance of 1.1 meters. There were 39,000 building located within 110 meters of 'soft' erodible shoreline, at risk from accelerated erosion due to sea -level

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