Internet Addiction Research

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Nowadays, the phenomenon of internet addiction among Hong Kong adolescents is becoming a serious problem of the whole society. The percentage of internet addiction among adolescents has increased to 22.5% in 2012 (Yu & Shek, 2013). Besides, Other researchers found that adolescent internet addiction is a relatively stable social issue as opposed to wearing off over time which means it cannot be solved easily for the time being (Wang, Wu, and Lau, 2016). The internet addiction has become a social problem in Hong Kong not only affect the adolescents, but also the whole society since the internet addiction may affect adolescent a lot in family life, social relationships, mental health, and physical health. In order to relieve this phenomenon, organizing school-based prevention programs by the schools and promoting the public awareness of the danger of internet addiction by government are believed to be achievable and effective methods. …show more content…

Adolescents seek for the online interaction and friendship (Smahel, Brown, & Blinka, 2012). Some of adolescents cannot achieve satisfaction or give into trouble since Parents give a mass of pressure to them. As adolescents can do anything and there are no Real-Name System in the internet, they tend to seek for help in the internet. One major cause would be the percentage of homes with a computer connected to the internet increased from 70.1% in 2007 to 78.6% in 2012 (Ho ng Kong Census and Statistics Department [HKCHP], 2013) According to statistics from The Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department (2013), 59.3% (494/832) of adolescents spend 20-50 hours and more than 10 % (114/832) of adolescents spend more than 50 hours on using computer per week in age range of 15-24. Because of this particular, more adolescents tend to addict in the internet at

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