No Contact With People Due To Technology Essay

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No Contact with People Due to Technology
In today’s society you do not see any children outside having contact with others as once seen before, you could see now everyone of every-age has some sort of technological device doing many activities on there pursuing to play games and interact with others through technology, limiting human contact. This demonstrates that technology has had a negative effect on people's lives, leading to some being isolated from society. Many believe that technology had actually improved society for example being able to make “friends” on social media this doesn’t actually happen today more people presumably teens may make friends on social media and sit right next to them but never exchange words with each other …show more content…

There are many positive effects of human connection that occur by just interacting. In addition reason why technology may have had a negative impact on society today would be making friends, in society today making friends would be considered how many “friends” you would have on social media. One may have thousands of friends on social media but in reality only know and trust very few. An online friend would be considered “People you don’t really know but you met them once at a conference, on a social networking site or maybe they are a friend of a friend”. A real life friend would be considered “...Friends keep you company when they can”. However a very limited but accurate response about the differences between human interaction and technological interactions would be:
...An online friend is available whenever they have that promiscuous little green dot beside their name, but your real life friends have things to do and you don’t always know what they’re doing.
...You can make plans with your real life friends but you can’t really know who your online “friend” may really

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