Essay On Solar Cookers

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The first solar cooker invented was by Horace de Saussure in the mid-1700 where a lot of Scientist tried to converts the sun’s light to heat but they were using mirror to focus the heat on one point while Saussure invented a glass for trapping heat. He made it five glass boxes inside one another and placed it on a block of wood in which he left for several hours in the sun and it got the temperature of nearly 190 Fahrenheit and tested it out by baking a fruit. And since the 18th century, solar cookers helped decreasing hunger and diseases of less fortunate countries though the modernized version of this device did not gain popularity due to ineffective marketing in the 1950s. Solar cookers have the same function of any stove but it doesn’t give of air pollutants, and this source of energy is abundant for all. (Layton, 2017)
Solar oven are devices with the ability to acquire the energy of sun to heat up food and water and doesn’t use the normal fuel of other cookers. It is ideal for countries with low resources and has abundant sunlight. The solar oven functions by absorbing solar heat and concentrating it to the oven’s interior so it can …show more content…

One of them being the Solar Panel Cooker, which is considered the simplest one as it has flat or slightly curved surface to concentrate the heat of the light once they’ve been faced towards the food that can be cooked via glass bowls or pots. The solar panel cooker is best to use in places with few winds since it is not insulated. It can also conjure the lowest temperature among the different types of solar cookers and it best for slow cooking dishes such as beans, stews and soups which are best for advance meal

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