Essay About Warm Holidays

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A Warm Holiday

Every time December comes, everyone gets excited. Simply because for students, there is only two to three weeks left for school and for adults, this is their chance to shop and spend some time with family and friends. People spend their holidays in a lot of different ways: some travel around the world, while others stay at home, a few individuals prefer to be alone than be with their families, and several people don 't really care about the holidays so they would rather go to work than do nothing. Since I love traveling, last winter break, my family flew back to Philippines to spend the holidays with my dad and relatives. Despite the high-priced plane tickets and short vacation, I made sure I had enough time to spend with my family and friends. Flying back and forth from California to Philippines every year is not cheap so we had to plan and save money.

The last time my whole family got together was two years ago, when we also spent our holidays in the Philippines. Unlike the previous one, this time was different …show more content…

Going to a tropical country for the holidays is a good experience because there is no need to worry about bad weather conditions. Even though my vacation was short, it was well-spent. I made sure that there won 't be a day that will go to waste. Reuniting with friends and family really was a good experience because we were able to reminisce and create new and fun memories together. If I were to describe an event from a particularly memorable holiday, that will be the time when we had our family photo taken before we headed back to California. It was nothing big, but seeing everyone 's smiling faces together in one photo sure brings back a lot of memories from our vacation. No one knows when we 'll all be together again but one thing is for sure, we won 't let our time go to waste. Being with our loved ones really is the best way to spend the

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