Fairness Cream Marketing Strategy

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Pursuit of ‘Un’-Happyness: is the glamour industry minting money using our insecurities

Marketing is about identifying the needs of the consumers and satisfying these needs through design and promotion of appropriate products and services. This, of course, is what the marketers have been practising since ages. But the question is whether it is only these methods that they have been practising, or something more than this.
Marketing industry and specifically the glamour marketing industry, has been thriving by tapping the insecurities of people. An epitome for this kind of practice is the plethora of ads that promote complexion lightening products.
The notion of “fair is beautiful” is deeply rooted in the Indian culture and its origin …show more content…

HLL has the reputation of being India’s largest advertisers and has been seen to juggle promotions across various media at a much quicker pace than its rivals. A typical print ad of Fair & Lovely contains a montage of images of a woman as she progresses through various stages of skin-whitening process. The model has been emulated as a role model by millions of women across the nation who wish to be as successful as she is, with a promise of much paler skin.
Television ads for this product have been more overt in employing the promise of social and cultural benefits. One such ad depicts the despondency of a young girl upon being tormented by her father for not being born male followed by him dismissing the limited job prospects she had due to her dark skin tone. She subsequently uses Fair & Lovely and impresses the interviewers with her “newfound beauty”, thereby securing the job and winning her father’s approval. Another ad shows a dark skinned woman using Fair & Lovely cream before the arrival of a prospective groom, who instantly falls in love with her due to the glow on her …show more content…

In India, fairness has been considered as a boon since ages, and these kinds of ads nurture the narrow mindedness

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