Essay On Fish Adaptation

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Have you ever wondered how does a fish breath even though they still under water? Much the same as you and me fish require a steady supply oxygen as O2 with a specific end goal to run their digestion system. Without oxygen they can't produce energy or make any new fish body. Plants are the main responsible of releasing all the free oxygen on this planet, the environment right now is around 21% O2. However oxygen will break down in water, in a comparable kind of way that the bubbles in the fizzy drinks are disintegrated into the fluid, so in order to stay safe under the water for more timeframes it would be better if they could get the oxygen they require from the water, and this is precisely what they do.
Fish adaptation to its environment is represented by its respiratory organs, gills are the respiratory center; where oxygen is consumed and carbon dioxide is uprooted, they are playing the same role of lungs in many creatures such as fluctuating degree for regulation of the levels of different particles and the pH of the blood, but they still have a lot of varities from them. They are arranged one set on either side of the body and close to the back of the head; also they are open in the gullet at the front, and open …show more content…

They help in the fish's nutrition, and their shape and number are a perfect sign of the food of the fish. This means, fishes which eat huge prey; like different fishes and molluscs have short, broadly divided gill rakers. This kind of gill raker keeps the prey from getting away between the gills, also The gill rakers of the Blue Mackerel are similar to this. On the other hand, fishes which eat littler prey have longer, more slender and more various gill rakers. Likewise, species which eat microscopic fish and other little suspended matter have the longest, most slender and most various gill rakers, with a few species having more than 150 on the lower arch

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