Traditional Fish Marketing System: A Case Study

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The wholesalers, wholesale-retailers, and retailers, who offer bids to the brokers and are collectively identified as the buyers, are at the next stage of the marketing chain (Chong, 1982). The wholesaler is the one responsible in selling the fish in large volume to the retailers. For instance, the wholesalers put value addition in terms of “sorting, grading, cleaning, icing, and packing the fish before it goes on sale” (Kumar et al., 2008). On the other hand, the wholesale-retailers sell the fish to either the retailer or final consumers. The wholesale-retailers also distribute the fish catch to different areas in order to reach the final consumers. Meanwhile, the retailers sell the fish to the public who are referred to be the final consumers. Since they are the last intermediaries in the traditional fish marketing system, they have the capability to assess the local demand and a limitation of the consumer’s buying power. Lastly, although they buy directly the fish from the wholesalers, there are also instances wherein they join the whisper-bid auction to buy directly from the brokers (Kumar et al., 2008).
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By using this one, the organizational structure, and motivational arrangements are identified as some of the factors affecting the efficiency of the system among others. However, some researchers recognized that the market itself is systemic and the elements comprising it are interlinked with one another. Due to this, behavior and the influence that the relationships among these firms have to do with the market performance. This is known to be the structure-conduct-performance approach of market analysis. Here, the variables that are significant in evaluating the system’s behavior can be categorized into three, namely: Structure, Conduct, and Performance (Clodius and Mueller,

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