Food Handling Issues

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Globalization has resulted in the spread of goods, finances, and ideas all around the world. But with it has come the spread of diseases and illnesses as well. Traditionally, many diseases were contained in specific regions and cultures. Due to the heavy flow of people and goods across borders and continents, illnesses are able to travel across the world infecting millions before “Patient Zero” even knows he or she has been infected (“Globalization 101 Health and Globalization,” 2015). This period before the onset of symptoms is known as the “incubation period” for diseases and it has caused many issues in modern transportation. Subsequently, these problems have resulted in the rising of certain questions such as if globalization poses so …show more content…

This brings to mind one of the first issues with globalization- the lack of consistency between laws and standards among countries. More specifically, food handling standards may be difficult or nonexistent in developing countries that are engaging in trade with developed countries and resulting in the spread of diseases and illnesses. In this case, it is important to develop worldwide food safety standards that could be followed by all countries wishing to participate in exportation of product for consumption. Any government engaging in food exports would have to assist small companies in installing things like hand sanitizing stations and sinks as well as hair nets and other preventative measures. This could be overseen by the World Bank or a similar organization that specializes in helping developing countries. Developed countries that are exporting food products that are not up to food safety standards should have individual companies responsible for their own adherence to food safety laws since in a developed world there is really no excuse for not maintaining cleanly food safety standards. The aid would be more for developing countries that would need help getting up to date so as not to fall out of the market, resulting in a failing economy. If these measures were taken, the spread of …show more content…

My personal opinion on GMO’s is they could be beneficial but right now they are more detrimental. I understand the need to produce food that can accomplish more nutritiously and in the space provided, but I disagree with the underlying cruelty and uncertainty that shadows the industry. The fact of the matter is we simply do not have enough information and responsibility to alter organisms’ genetics successfully. Evidence has shown that pigs that are fed GMO crops have heavier uteruses, stomach inflammation, and possibly even more deformities of newborns than pigs fed non-GMO crops (Carman, 2013). If these problems are occurring in pigs, they surely can’t be healthy for human consumption. The intentions of GMO crops are good, but the execution has so far been poor. We need to perform more studies and perfect the science. It is my personal opinion that in addition to stopping GMO production until we have more research, we should also stop genetically modifying animals. Plants don’t have the same mental capacity as animals (obviously) so I can understand experimenting with crop production. However, when it comes to genetically modifying a conscious animal with thoughts and feelings, I believe it is wrong to alter what nature has given. Right now, the cost is outweighing the benefit when it comes to producing and consuming genetically modified organisms for these

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