
Freedom Of Speech In India

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India is world’s largest democracy. Also, the Constitution of India is the lengthiest written Constitution of the world. One of the most peculiar features of the Indian Constitution is the Fundamental Right of Freedom of speech and expression that it guarantees to the citizen of India
The Preamble of the Constitution also speaks of liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship. It also says that India is a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic. When it comes to democracy, liberty to express or freedom of thought becomes utmost important and holds paramount significance under constitutional scheme.
Equally, in S. Khushboo vs Kanniamal & Anr, the Court stated that the importance of freedom of speech and expression though not absolute was necessary as we need to tolerate unpopular views. This right requires the free flow of opinions and ideas essential to sustain the collective life of the citizenry. While an informed citizenry is a pre-condition for meaningful governance, the culture of open dialogue is generally of great societal importance.
Mere discussion or even advocacy of a particular cause, howsoever unpopular, is at the heart of Article 19(1) (a). It is only when such discussion or advocacy reaches a particular level of incitement that Article19 (2) comes into picture.

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