Modern Architecture Research Paper

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Aim of this research is to find if nature inspires modern architecture. Why is there a need for architecture to seek inspiration from nature? The purpose of this paper is to assess ideas and concepts of bionic architecture and their effect on modern architecture. Findings and conclusion. Nature should always be a source of inspiration for architecture. While new technologies have evolved they have to be in sync with nature at every stage of their evolution.
From the Prehistoric days, man has looked towards nature in its perfection of form, for providing meaning and order in his environment. Forms in nature were exploited for the outward appearances/shape without understanding the complete scientific understanding of their …show more content…

The walls of the honeycomb are formed from connected cells in regular hexagonal prisms. .The hexagonal shape is used purposely .Any other shape, such as round, octagonal or pentagonal configurations, would lead to empty spaces between the former. This would not only be poor use of space ,but would also require the bee to build separate walls for all or part of each cell, thus wasting valuable material and time. These difficulties are avoided by using triangles, rectangles and hexagons. But although these three geometrical shapes are equal in area, the hexagon has the smallest circumference. This means that the amount of building material required for cells of the same capacity is the least in the hexagonal construction, therefore, such a pattern is the most economical in …show more content…

The termite is the acknowledged master architect of the world .No other insect or animal approaches the termite in the size and solidity of its building structure. If a human being were the size of an average termite, the relative size of a single termite nest would be equivalent to a 180 storey building – almost 2000 feet high. The building material is usually local soil mixed with saliva. The termite mound, or the termitory consist of hard, thick walls that seal in moisture and keep the heat out. A system of channels and ducts circulates air through the mound. The passageways run through areas of the mound that have walls that are porous or have tiny ventilation holes .The pores act as conduits for fresh air ventilation and stale air exhaust .This supply and return system performs solely on heat and gravity ,with no moving

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