
Imperialism In South Africa During The 1800s And Early 1900s

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Imperialism positively affected South Africa by introducing new crops, new technology, development of organized structures, improved transportation and industrialization. But also during the 1800s and early 1900s South Africa was imperialized by the British And this brought them negative aspects; These human being were mistreated as people but they also suffered in the downfall of their culture, identity and economic changes. With their most bravest people they rebel against Great Britain, they went through many wars trying to get free; trying to gain back their independences. How South Africa was before being imperialized. They lived in peace with one another, they had valuable natural resources, their main religion was Islam and Christianity and tribes inhabited their lands. One of the many reasons why Great Britain imperialize South Africa was because of their gold and diamonds. …show more content…

By the European power they used to protect their trade ambitions and led to exploitation of Africa; The European used colonies to supply their industrie with raw materials but also, manufactured goods that would have a ready market in Africa.One of Great Britain main goals where to established commercial and trade links around the world, which led them to need cheap labor and South Africa raw material: But then the colonial governments wanted them to farm for what they needed but, in the end they forced the Africans to farm cotton,coffee, sugar and tobacco in place of staple foods.
The Africans wanted the cruel treatment by winning back their independence; The livly South Africa went through war left and right with Great Britain. The Zulu War of 1879 was fought between the Zulu army and the British army. The Boer republics and African regions under common rule for economic development but Great Britain saw the Zulus as a threat to the policy they

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