The Importance Of Early Child Development

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Think back to your earliest school years. What do you remember most? Circle time? Pretend play? The Lego box? Structured learning such as preschool and kindergarten and informal opportunities like playgroups provide valuable opportunities to engage with others. Early child development plays a vital role in shaping children 's lives. Neurological research shows that the early years play a key role in a child 's brain development. During the early years, reading, math, science, academics, character skills, social/emotional growth, and problem-solving are being taught to the children at these ages. Children also learn how to make friends and communicate nicely with one another at this age. Early child development plays a vital role in shaping …show more content…

At birth, the average baby 's brain is about a quarter of the size of the average adult brain. The first three years of a child 's life, are the most critical in shaping a child 's brain. Research confirms that the first five years are particularly important for the development of the brain. First five years are the foundation that shapes children 's future health, happiness, growth, development, and early achievements. Children learn more quickly during their early years than at any other time in their …show more content…

All kids grow and develop in similar patterns, but each child develops at his or her own pace. “The structure of values and attitudes built in the early years are the strong and permanent roots for one’s entire life” (Nicholas Burnett Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO). If children grow up believing in themselves and being confident, they will have a better time in life rather than having depression or any other psychological illnesses as adults. Schools try to contains kids behavior so they don’t grow up to use it in the wrong way. A good teacher not only improves a child’s test scores in the classroom but also enhances his or her chances to attend college and earn more money, according to a new study. “Those first values determine ethical and moral behaviours throughout life” (Nicholas Burnett Assistant Director-General for Education,

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