
The Negative Impact Of The Social Environment On Early Childhood Development

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Social and physical environments in the home and the social environment in the classroom impact early childhood development. This paper discusses: the impact of the social environment in the home on early childhood development; the possible negative impact of the physical environment on a preschool child in a Guyanese home; and the impact of a positive social environment in the early childhood classroom.
Early childhood development is“a set of concepts, principles, and facts that explain, describe and account for the processes involved in change from immature to mature status and functioning.” (Katz, 1996, p. 7)
The physical environment refers to; the nature of the physical home surroundings including its cleanliness; the safety of the home and the security which the home offers.
“Human social environments encompass the immediate physical surroundings, social relationships, and cultural milieus within which defined groups of people function and interact (Casper & Barnett, 2001, para. 3).
The impact of the social environment in the home on early childhood development
Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory encompasses the view that values, beliefs, skills and traditions are transmitted from one generation to the next. He, unlike behaviorist theorists, emphasized that family, social interaction, and play are primary influences in a child’s life (Gordon & Browne, 2013). The social environment at home has a profound impact on how children develop. Children learn whether to trust or
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