What Is The Importance Of Breadcrumb

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3 Reasons of Using Breadcrumbs with Best Practices and Installation Guide
Other suggested title: Breadcrumbs in Web Design: Importance, Best Practices and Installation Guide (I just follow your format, but I preferred this title)
Breadcrumbs are a string of words that displays a hierarchy of the current page in relation to its parent pages. They are typically in horizontal form located at the top of the page content or under the main navigation.
The term “Breadcrumbs” comes from the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale in which clever Hansel has left a trail of bread crumbs to show their way back to their home.
They are very common on large websites with many pages. They help web users to find their way around when they are in a deep hierarchy level …show more content…

The best way to determine if your website needs a breadcrumb navigation is to create a diagram or a sitemap showing your website’s information architecture, and then examine methodically whether breadcrumbs would help your user to navigate within and between your pages.

Importance of Using Breadcrumbs (I will use h2 tags here, this will change to “3 Reasons of Using Breadcrumbs if you use the first title”)
Support Website Navigation (This will be normal paragraph but just bold)
Breadcrumbs help the user to easily navigate the parent and previous pages when they land on a web page that is deep down a site hierarchy. It reduces the number of clicks a web user needs to view a higher-level page and they don’t take up a lot of space on the page.

Decrease Bounce Rates (This will be normal paragraph but just bold)
Breadcrumbs reduce bounce rate by making it easier for users to back track navigation on the website. It can be a great way to encourage first-time visitors to peruse your website after having viewed the home page. For example is that when a user visit a page through an email link, seeing a breadcrumbs may entice that user to click to higher-level pages to view related …show more content…

A good rule of thumb is that it shouldn’t be the first section that will catch a user’s attention when they arrive on a page.

• Never use it as an alternative to primary menu as they have been created as a secondary navigation aid.
• Avoid unnecessary text such as “Breadcrumbs” or “You are here”.
• You should not put breadcrumbs in your homepage.
• Do not put breadcrumbs in pages when there is no benefits such as Contact or Landing Page.

How to install Breadcrumbs in your Wordpress site? (I will use h2 tags here)
You can use a Breadcrumbs NavXT plugin that enable quick and easy to customize breadcrumb trails.
Here are the step by step guide to have breadcrumbs using that plugin:
• Install Breadcrumbs NavXT in your WordPress site. You can download it from here and upload it in your plugin directory using FTP.
• Find and open your header.php within WordPress’ administration panel through Presentation > Theme Editor. You can also download it via FTP and open it using your preferred text editor.
• Insert the following code where you want your breadcrumbs to appear.

• Save it in the Theme Editor, or upload the header.php in the theme directory using

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