Professional Internship In Higher Education

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Designed in the heart of an Institution of Polytechnic Education, whose specificity is built by the affirmation of identity in its action, characterized by the importance given to experimentation, observation and integration of material and immaterial culture, knowledge, techniques and deposed technologies in productive activities (Urbano, 2008) it is the predisposition to reflected upon them that characterizes us. From the context that defines our identity arose the urgency of reframing, beyond the conventional isolation of the classroom and observation, the curricula and the problems we come across in teaching and researching in Design. The proposed project derived from the observation of our classroom experience and our school, as an effective …show more content…

Few are the companies or public entities available to receive students as trainees, according to a study about Employability and Higher Education (2002). Higher Education institutions acknowledge the importance of curricular internships, as these are seen as an essential condition to the articulation strengthening between the job market and the education institutions. The internship’s benefits for the student are diverse, not only by considering their integration in the job market and the improvement of their professional skills, but also by the relevance in the development of their social and interpersonal competences (Caires & Almeida, …show more content…

Currently, internships confirm the role of organized professional insertion, structured in the convergence of educational and productive systems in which the school/university already incorporates aspects of practice learning to training. In this way, it stops being only a mean of training from education institutions and starts being recognized by organizations and students as a legitimate way (and sometimes needed) to entry the labor sphere” (Rocha e Piccinini, 2012, p.46, own

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