Intrapersonal Role Conflict: Five Levels Of Conflict

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Levels of Conflict
There are five levels of conflict, intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup and interorganizational (Borkowski, 2016, p. 307). Intrapersonal is something that occurs within an individuals mind (Miriam Webster, 2018). Intrapersonal conflict typically occurs when there are multiple options for an individual to choose and is often correlated with goal, conflict or affect types of conflict (Borkowski, 2016, p. 307-308). Within Intrapersonal role conflict, there are three subcategories: person-role, intrarole, and interrole. Person-role conflict occurs when an individual has a personal conflict with what their role requires, while the intrarole conflict occurs when their experience is different than what is supposed …show more content…

There are three primary types of intrapersonal conflicts: Approach/Approach, Avoidance/Avoidance, and Approach/Avoidance. Approach/Approach is the choice between options which all have beneficial outcomes. Avoidance/Avoidance requires a choice between options with perceived detrimental consequences. Approach/Avoidance necessitates a choice between alternatives which each contain both, desirable and undesirable, outcomes (Borkowski, 2016, p. …show more content…

Interpersonal work conflict is defined as a lack of agreement (Lawless and Trif, 2016). There are three sources of interpersonal conflict: personal characteristics, interactional difficulties and differences in perceptions (Borkowski, 2016, p. 308). The inherent differences in people, our perceptions, life circumstances and experiences lead a countless number of personal characteristics in the workplace which impact performance and outcomes (Lipsett, 2012). Interactional difficulties are ultimately the result of mismatched communication and relational skills (Borkowski, 2016, p. 309). Perspective and perceptive differences are created by the combination of conflicting personal characteristics and interactional difficulties subject to each individual's interpretation (Borkowski, 2016, p. 309). Stressful events exacerbate interpersonal conflict and, if not managed, the aftermath will be harmed relationships, poor morale and risk of lawsuits due to a hostile workplace claim (Mckenzie, 2015). Cindy and Dr. Jones are impacted by all elements of interpersonal

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