The Importance Of Ethical Vegetarianism

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Many people are born and follow the traditions of their ancestors blindly and only few of them think about these traditions, are they good for us? are they reasonable? And most importantly, are they ethical? One of these traditions is slaughtering animals for the purpose of eating. Ask the majority of people about the morality of this action and they will either start to stammer or tell that as we are humans we are higher than animals and they are just animals so it is fine to kill them for food. According to the Vegan Society, “Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.” [1] Ethical vegetarians object to the act of killing animals is …show more content…

[2] They justify their objections by equating the human rights with the animal rights by stating that as it is immoral to kill a human, it is the same for animals in non-extreme circumstances. [3] They support their argument mainly with one point, the animal consciousness. What is consciousness? And is it sufficient to treat the animals as if they were humans? And the most important question is what is consciousness itself? In the book of The Inner World of Farm Animals, the author Jane Goodall mentioned that animals do have different and complex feelings and they are more sensitive and clever than we imagine. They feel pleasure, sadness and depression. They also feel fear and pain [4] and ethical vegans use these two feelings to support their objection to killing animals. a study conducted by a group of

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