
Levinson's Theory Of Seasons Of Adulthood Analysis

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Antwone Fisher is a male, who is approximately fifty-eight years old. His mother, Eva Mae Fisher was an inmate at the time of his birth and his father Eddie Elkins was deceased at the time of Antowne’s birth. Upon birth Antwone was placed in a foster home up until the age of two and then was placed in another home with Reverend Ulysses Pickett and his wife. During his placement at this foster home (from 1961 to 1979) Antwone endured physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. To escape this pain Antwone was imaginative and creative spending time alone in his room. Antwone left his foster home at seventeen and lived on the streets for a while. After being homeless, Antwone went on to join the Navy. During this time Antwone was both highly praised, …show more content…

This seasons are “sequences of eras (p 477).” Levinson’s stages can vary from person to person. At seventeen some people are in college, Antwone was kicked out of his foster home and forced to make his own way. Levinson’s first season is the novice phase (ages seventeen to thirty three). During the transition period, seventeen to twenty two, Antwone made decisions such as enlisting in the Navy and leaving a toxic job, possibility illegal job. Early adulthood, around the ages of seventeen to forty five, are important years for developing relationships. Levinson notes that twenty to thirty, adults are biologically peaking. Nowhere in the short summary of Antwone did it mention children, partners, or spouses. Looking further into Antwone’s life he is married to LaNette Fisher, they married in 1996, when Antwone was thirty seven. Therefore during the transition between early and middle adulthood Antwone made the major decision of choosing a life partner, one of the many experiences coined in early adulthood by Levinson. Besides a wife, Antwone has two daughters (Kuczynski, …show more content…

From the looks of Antwone’s life he has continued to thrive and give. He is a family man caring for a wife and two girls, but also a speaker and a writer. Levinson also noted that middle adulthood is a balancing act, such as balancing young and old, Antwone is a writer, a father, and a husband yet he still strives and struggles to battle his past noting he will always have scars and that some of the things such as his beautiful kept home are to show people, such as his foster parents that he has overcome (Kuczynski,

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