
NHS Values

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The NHS is the pride of Britain being the fifth largest employer in the world. It is more than a health service provider. It is part of who we are. It never fails to hit the headlines almost every day for various achievements, underperformance or deficit. It has become every political party's agenda to have proposals of how to protect, preserve, enhance and improve performance of the NHS. The core of the NHS lies in the millions of staff working tirelessly to provide the best possible care for the patient. Like with any other large business organizations the NHS faces innumerable challenges. But what sets it apart from other businesses is the fact that the NHS core values are centered on the well being of patients. It strives to achieve the …show more content…

They must be adaptable and flexible to take the lead in responding to the needs of people of all ages in a variety of circumstances, including situations where immediate or urgent care is needed (NMC Standards for competence for registered nurses,2010)
My organization, University Hospitals Southampton (UHS) NHS values and vision is to put patients first, working together and improving always. UHS values the importance of leadership and invests heavily in grooming its staff members with the importance of good leadership. The trust is striving to develop a culture of leadership (2020 vision UHS). Senior clinicians and managers in the trust are encouraged to join the leadership …show more content…

1. Action centred leadership
2. Situational leadership
3. Management by Walking Around: Leadership Style (MBWA)

John Adair’s action centred leadership focuses on the skills of leadership.
It works with the NHS on a day to day basis. It works by recognizing the task, identifying the individuals performing the task and by doing the task collectively as a team. The success of this type of leadership lies in effectively working well together, by focusing on each team member identifying the task on hand and working in unison to fulfill the task collectively as a team. The core functions needed for the success of this leadership are Planning- planning the task, the people who would be performing the task and the team that will be working on the task.
Initiating-briefing, task allocation, setting standards
Controlling-maintaining standards, ensuring progress, ongoing decision-making
Supporting-individuals' contributions, encouraging, team spirit, reconciling, morale
Informing-clarifying tasks and plans, updating, receiving feedback and interpreting
Evaluating- feasibility of ideas, performance, enabling self

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