
Overcoming Obstacles

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Eventually there’s a lot of people who may outcome from some mistakes or obstacles in their daily life. In addition, you will always look back to those mistakes and learn from them. Obstacles in people’s life can later on lead into new beginnings and accomplishments.

Some people say that this is wrong, that all we think is completely misunderstood. For example, they ask questions like, how can something bad turn into something good? Why making mistakes approve to us to make it better? Consequently, humans make all this mistakes and we go through hard obstacles, but they get mad and thinking why do we go through all this. We live with problems, arguments, mistakes we should not do, and obviously some obstacles that we may not conquer …show more content…

For example, when I was in seventh grade I join the volleyball team. Yes, I was placed in the highest and better group, but I did more mistakes than the rest of the team. I could not play defense, and if the coach put me I always got hit by the ball in the face. Consequently, I never left the gym and the team. I practice the hardest I could do for years. Then it past eight grade, and I still got hit in the face, but now sometimes I could play the defense. I stayed morning and afternoon to get those serves over, control the balls, to pick up the spikes, but all the sacrifice I did went for granted. This affected, of ninth and tenth grade to accomplish my goals in that sport. You have no idea how I call that sport my “my favorite”, taking all the bad sides and the failures I did. I was now proud of hearing my past coaches say how I improved, how can no one pick up my serves, how my teammates were scared to play with me. As a result, right now I am in tenth grade, and I still look back and tell stories of my past. Of how true dedication turns into something magnificent. That is what mistakes do for us, to never walk out from that door, to keep yourself in something you love and you know you can improve greatly in. This obstacle was hard for me, but I never refused to

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