Personal Statement

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The story of life is a rollercoaster; one day you are soaring high with never ending joy, another, you tumble down quickly with gut wrenching fear. In the past, I have made three choices that have impacted my life significantly. This includes incorporating God into my daily life, applying to Mayfield Secondary School for the RAP, and quitting basketball for one year. While some of these decisions have filled me with an eternal sense of happiness and satisfaction, one in particular has left me feeling remorseful. I have sought God, first, because I was not completely happy throughout my childhood. I was drawn towards materialistic values, which ultimately left me with a feeling of emptiness. Looking in the mirror, I would feel as if I was looking at someone else - someone who I did not want to be, yet had no control over. Thus, before beginning high school, I allowed God to be a part of my daily life, which resulted in me praying much more frequently. As a result of this, I have become a more spiritual and compassionate person. This sudden change in my personality has altered the impression others had of me. I now not only maintain a peaceful social life, but I am able to …show more content…

Initially, I wanted to stay with my current group of friends, but I decided to take a risk and pursue my interests by applying for the music program at Mayfield Secondary School. The multicultural society at Mayfield has made me understand the importance of diversity in our lives as Canadian citizens. Coming here, I have developed an appreciation for different types of intelligences, especially the artist intellect, which is unlike of my native culture. Most importantly however, the RAP has trained me in balancing my academic workload with extracurricular activities, thus, helping me become a more all-around person. Hence, taking the road less travelled by has shaped me into the person I am

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