
Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

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There are about 25 million animals that get tested on for commercial and medical developments each year. New medical treatments get tested on animals to make sure they aren’t toxic to humans and are sure they won’t cause harm. These beliefs aren’t new, and have been carried out for many centuries and have helped the medical community develop many medications that are important still today such as pacemakers, artificial joints, organ transplants, rabies, distemper, parvovirus (infectious diarrhea), infectious hepatitis, anthrax, and tetanus. Scientists should be able to test on animals because the animals we use are similar in body structure as humans, it is morally wrong to test on humans, and animals have the same diseases as humans

Humans and the animals we test on have similar structures as us and shorter life spans so it is a better controlled experiment to see if the product we are testing is safe and available to use on humans. This makes it easier for the scientist to …show more content…

In the article 40 reasons why we need animals research, "Animals suffer from similar diseases to humans including cancers, TB, flu and asthma.Modern surgical techniques including hip replacement surgery, kidney transplants, heart transplants and blood transfusions were all perfected in animals.Modern surgical techniques including hip replacement surgery, kidney transplants, heart transplants and blood transfusions were all perfected in animals." so even if we are doing this for humans animals are also benefited in the research and experiments. All the research they do also benefits the animals in being able to be vaccinated, help keeping endangered species alive, and help promote breeding along with helping genetic variation getting passed down generation to generation to become more

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