Pressure Ulcer Prevention

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As seen in the case study above prevention should always be the focus in managing pressure ulcers, and should be commenced upon initial assessment, ensuring a complete medical and nursing history is taken, followed by a skin examination and completion of risk assessments. The Francis report (2010) investigated the inadequate care in an acute hospital, within his report he made recommendations on the importance of the fundamental aspects of care, including pressure ulcer prevention as a key element of maintaining patient safety (Francis, 2010). The ‘Stop the Pressure’ campaign was originally launched in Midlands and East region in 2011 to raise awareness of the risk factors and early warning signs of pressure ulcers with amongst healthcare professionals. It aimed to use an engagement programme, a SKIN care bundle for patient facing clinical staff, a pressure ulcer collaborative and a communications campaign. Research in the Midlands and East Region showed that 47% of pressure ulcers were occurring in non-acute setting, so community led …show more content…

One such risk assessment is the PURPOSE T risk assessment; a pressure ulcer risk assessment framework intended to identify adults at risk of pressure ulcer development and makes a distinction between primary prevention and secondary prevention. It was released in 2012 by the clinical research unit at the University of Leeds, based on Systematic Review evidence and PURPOSE Pain Cohort Study. It was developed alongside international inter-disciplinary experts in the Pressure ulcers and undertaken in partnership with service users themselves. Future implications for this assessment involve patient safety and the adaptation of PURPOSE T for patient and carer

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