Dry Disposition

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Wet disposition is the acid rain where it is the actual rain that is acidic. It is in a water form. Dry disposition is the particles of acid or gas that are carried by the wind and end up landing on plants, people, buildings or anything. More than half the acid emitted into the atmosphere returns to the earth through dry disposition (Emra. 2009). When the dry disposition lands on the soil and is washed away by heavy rains it causes runoff into dams and lakes and mixes with the wet disposition which creates a combination that is more acidic than the wet disposition alone (Environmental Protection Agency, 2013). Dry disposition in recent studies has been linked to premature death from heart and lung failure and conditions like asthma and bronchitis. This is because the particles are inhaled by the human into their lungs which causes the damage (Environmental Protection Agency, 2012). It was also found in 1975 by a doctor that the smog what contained acid precipitation in it caused direct harm to a person’s lungs (Ferenbaugh, 1975). This was discovered when acid rain wasn’t nearly as bad or as much of a problem as it is …show more content…

The Environmental protection agency has been doing a lot to try and get people to lower their carbon footprint by telling them to use alternative power sources, use public transport so there are less cars on the road, recycle and to save energy when you can (Environmental Protection Agency, 2012). These are the small things that anyone can do to reduce the gasses that cause acid rain. South Africa have lots of recycling organisation like Collect-a-Can and Pikitup to help people to recycle. Plastic SA released that 20% (280 000 tons) of all plastic products in South Africa in 2013 was recycled. This is a 4.1% increase from the figures of 2012 (Plastic SA, 2013). The EPA believe that the answer to helping reduce our carbon footprint is to educate people on the situation (Environmental Protection Agency, 2012) Acid rain is a big problem and needs to be looked into more and to see what can be done about it. This would help the economy, environment and human health. Beans are a big part in the human diet and a lot of people benefit from the growth of beans which is why finding out how acid rain effects that could help save jobs and help with global

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