The Benefits Of Computer Science

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Right after the completion of High School education I started exploring various majors

existing. Then I came across a lecture which hauled my attention completely. The lines that had

enormous impact on me were “Computer Science actually has a lot in common with magic; It is

to learn how to formalize intuitions about process, how to do things, starting to develop a way to

talk precisely about how-to knowledge; Techniques of controlling complexity is what this course

is really about, and in some sense, that is really what Computer Science is about; In building

large program, there is not all that much difference what I can build and what I can imagine

because the parts are the abstract entities that I know as much as I want. I know …show more content…

I would like to justify it with my observations. The study of

interaction between systems: this includes computer programs and algorithms, which are abstract

systems. Wherever there is some interaction between systems, there is computation and

computer science involves the study of such interactions. The underlying phenomenon:

Computer Science seeks to fathom the deepest mysteries of life. It has the ability to connect

various fields with deep and profound questions which are far reaching. Their applications and

relationships to other systems: this means the Computer Science is a field which has tremendous

practical influence on our world. The first hand example of the experience would be the usage of

internet, which is now a key element in our routine. Computer Science being the driving force

behind all innovations, also seeks to understand the relationships between systems. Innovation is

all about exploiting novel relationships between systems. In this journey of exploration, my

fascination towards Computer Science has increased leaps and …show more content…

The intrigue on this stream provoked me to keep myself updated,

regarding technologies. So is the reason to choose Cloud Computing, a new technology, as the

platform for the project that we will be doing in the final semester of the under graduation. In

this, we are focusing on Achieving Effective Cloud Search Services Over Encrypted Data.

Computer Science is vast and unending. Masters in Computer Science is a best way to

understand more of it. This lays down a world of new opportunities and better competence. Even

after being placed in a Multinational Company Tata Consultancy Services, I chose to pursue my

masters. It serves my best interest in the world of computers.

On the other hand, I have been a very good student with excellent merit along with

participation in extracurricular activities, since childhood. My interest in analytical subjects

made me choose Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry for High School education. I maintained a

consistent academic record throughout my pursuit of studies at school level as well as

intermediate level with 90.3% and 94.5% respectively, also securing good percentages in

Mathematics and Science, 98% and 99.6% in Mathematics and 94% and 90.8% in

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